Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on  Radiopharmaceuticals under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Radiopharmaceuticals » PHARMACAREERS


What is radioactivity?

– A. The ability of a substance to emit light spontaneously

– B. The process of converting stable isotopes into radioactive isotopes

– C. The spontaneous emission of energy and subatomic particles from unstable nuclei

– D. The absorption of radiation by matter


Which type of radiation has the highest penetration ability?

– A. Alpha rays

– B. Beta rays

– C. Gamma rays

– D. X-rays


What is the half-life of a radioactive element?

– A. The time it takes for half of the radioactive material to decay

– B. The time it takes for all radioactive material to decay

– C. The time it takes for radiation to reach its maximum intensity

– D. The time it takes for radiation to become stable


Which radiopharmaceutical is commonly used for thyroid imaging?

– A. Technetium-99m

– B. Iodine-131

– C. Fluorine-18

– D. Carbon-14


What precautions should be taken when handling radiopharmaceuticals?

– A. Store them in open containers

– B. Keep the dose rate above the maximum level

– C. Protect them from ionizing radiation

– D. Use glass containers that darken under radiation


Which radioactive element is used in bone scans?

– A. Technetium-99m

– B. Thallium-201

– C. Gallium-67

– D. Iodine-131


What is the primary purpose of radiopharmaceuticals in medicine?

– A. To treat bacterial infections

– B. To visualize internal organs and tissues

– C. To enhance blood circulation

– D. To relieve pain


Which radiations are emitted during the decay of a radioisotope?

– A. Alpha, beta, and gamma rays

– B. X-rays and gamma rays

– C. Alpha and beta rays

– D. Gamma rays only


What is the storage condition for radiopharmaceuticals?

– A. Room temperature

– B. Refrigeration

– C. Special area with well-closed containers

– D. Exposed to sunlight


Which radiopharmaceutical is used for cardiac imaging?

– A. Technetium-99m sestamibi

– B. Iodine-131

– C. Thallium-201

– D. Fluorine-18


Which of the following is NOT a type of radioactive decay?

– A. Alpha decay

– B. Beta decay

– C. Gamma decay

– D. Delta decay


What is the unit of radioactivity?

– A. Curie

– B. Becquerel

– C. Gray

– D. Sievert


Which of the following is the most penetrating type of radiation?

– A. Alpha particles

– B. Beta particles

– C. Gamma rays

– D. Neutrons


What instrument is used to measure the radioactivity of a sample?

– A. Geiger counter

– B. Scintillation counter

– C. Well counter

– D. All of the above


What is the background count?

– A. The count rate of a blank sample

– B. The count rate of a standard sample

– C. The count rate of the instrument itself

– D. Any of the above


True or False: Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons.

– A. True

-B. False


True or False: Beta particles are electrons.

– A. True

-B. False


True or False: Gamma rays are high-energy photons.

– A. True

-B. False


What is the half-life of a radioactive nuclide?

– A. The time it takes for half of the nuclides in a sample to decay

– B. The time it takes for all of the nuclides in a sample to decay

– C. The time it takes for the activity of a sample to halve

– D. Any of the above


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