MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam

MCQ for RRB Pharmacist (Railway Pharmacist) Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on Pathophysiology of Acute and Chronic Renal Failure, Read following article for your reference.

Acute and chronic renal failure

Which of the following is a prerenal cause of acute renal failure?

A) Acute glomerulonephritis

B) Kidney stones

C) Severe dehydration

D) Acute tubular necrosis


What is the primary characteristic of the maintenance phase of acute renal failure?

A) Increased GFR

B) Stabilized low GFR

C) Complete recovery of kidney function

D) Increased urine output


Which of the following is NOT a common cause of intrarenal acute renal failure?

A) Nephrotoxic drugs

B) Acute tubular necrosis

C) Severe dehydration

D) Acute glomerulonephritis


What is the main pathophysiological change in the initiation phase of acute renal failure?

A) Increased urine output

B) Decreased GFR

C) Complete recovery of kidney function

D) Increased blood flow to the kidneys


Which electrolyte imbalance is commonly seen in acute renal failure?

A) Hypokalemia

B) Hyperkalemia

C) Hypocalcemia

D) Hypernatremia


Which phase of acute renal failure is characterized by the improvement in kidney function?

A) Initiation phase

B) Maintenance phase

C) Recovery phase

D) End-stage phase


Which of the following is a postrenal cause of acute renal failure?

A) Acute tubular necrosis

B) Kidney stones

C) Severe dehydration

D) Acute glomerulonephritis


What is the primary treatment goal in the management of acute renal failure?

A) Increase protein intake

B) Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances

C) Reduce blood pressure

D) Increase urine output


Which of the following symptoms is commonly associated with uremia in acute renal failure?

A) Increased appetite

B) Nausea and vomiting

C) Increased energy levels

D) Weight gain


Which diagnostic test is most indicative of acute renal failure?

A) Serum creatinine

B) Blood glucose

C) Liver function tests

D) Complete blood count


Which of the following is a common cause of chronic renal failure?

A) Acute glomerulonephritis

B) Diabetes mellitus

C) Severe dehydration

D) Acute tubular necrosis


What is the primary characteristic of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)?

A) Complete recovery of kidney function

B) Progressive decline in kidney function

C) Increased GFR

D) Increased urine output


Which of the following is a common complication of chronic renal failure?

A) Hyperkalemia

B) Hypokalemia

C) Hypernatremia

D) Hypocalcemia


What is the main pathophysiological change in the compensatory hypertrophy phase of chronic renal failure?

A) Decreased GFR

B) Increased size of remaining nephrons

C) Complete recovery of kidney function

D) Increased urine output


Which of the following is a common symptom of uremia in chronic renal failure?

A) Increased appetite

B) Nausea and vomiting

C) Increased energy levels

D) Weight gain


Which diagnostic test is most indicative of chronic renal failure?

A) Serum creatinine

B) Blood glucose

C) Liver function tests

D) Complete blood count


Which of the following is a common dietary modification for patients with chronic renal failure?

A) High-protein diet

B) Low-protein diet

C) High-sodium diet

D) Low-carbohydrate diet


Which of the following is a common treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD)?

A) Increased protein intake

B) Dialysis or kidney transplantation

C) Reduced fluid intake

D) Increased sodium intake


Which of the following is a common cardiovascular complication of chronic renal failure?

A) Hypotension

B) Hypertension

C) Bradycardia

D) Arrhythmias


Which of the following is a common cause of proteinuria in chronic renal failure?

A) Increased GFR

B) Decreased GFR

C) Glomerular damage

D) Tubular damage

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