Pharmacy Practice MCQ

Pharmacy Practice MCQ, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, factors affecting solubility of drugs, under subject physical pharmaceutics. Read following article for your reference

Factors Affecting Solubility Of Drugs » PHARMACAREERS

  1. What is the primary use of solubility parameters in pharmaceuticals?
    • A) To determine the melting point of a compound
    • B) To predict the solubility of drugs in various solvents
    • C) To measure the density of a solution
    • D) To calculate the molecular weight of a compound
  2. Which solubility parameter is based on the cohesive energy density?
    • A) Hansen solubility parameter
    • B) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • C) Flory-Huggins parameter
    • D) Raoult’s law parameter
  3. The Hildebrand solubility parameter is represented by which symbol?
    • A) δ
    • B) η
    • C) λ
    • D) μ
  4. What is the unit of the Hildebrand solubility parameter?
    • A) J/mol
    • B) Pa
    • C) (cal/cm³)^(1/2)
    • D) (J/cm³)^(1/2)
  5. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Hansen solubility parameter?
    • A) Dispersion forces
    • B) Polar forces
    • C) Hydrogen bonding
    • D) Ionic forces
  6. What does a high solubility parameter indicate about a solvent?
    • A) It is non-polar
    • B) It has high cohesive energy density
    • C) It is volatile
    • D) It has low boiling point
  7. Which method is commonly used to calculate solubility parameters?
    • A) Experimental measurement
    • B) Computational chemistry
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above
  8. The concept of “like dissolves like” is most closely associated with which solubility parameter?
    • A) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • B) Hansen solubility parameter
    • C) Flory-Huggins parameter
    • D) Raoult’s law parameter
  9. Which parameter is used to predict the solubility of polymers in solvents?
    • A) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • B) Hansen solubility parameter
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above
  10. What is the main limitation of the Hildebrand solubility parameter?
    • A) It only applies to non-polar solvents
    • B) It is difficult to calculate
    • C) It does not consider hydrogen bonding
    • D) It is not accurate for polymers
  11. Which of the following is a key advantage of the Hansen solubility parameter over the Hildebrand parameter?
    • A) Simplicity in calculation
    • B) Applicability to polar and non-polar solvents
    • C) Lower computational cost
    • D) Higher accuracy for non-polar solvents
  12. In the context of solubility parameters, what does the term “cohesive energy density” refer to?
    • A) The energy required to vaporize a solvent
    • B) The energy required to mix two solvents
    • C) The energy required to separate molecules in a liquid
    • D) The energy required to dissolve a solute
  13. Which solubility parameter model includes a three-dimensional approach?
    • A) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • B) Hansen solubility parameter
    • C) Flory-Huggins parameter
    • D) Raoult’s law parameter
  14. What is the significance of the dispersion component in the Hansen solubility parameter?
    • A) It represents the polar interactions
    • B) It represents the hydrogen bonding interactions
    • C) It represents the van der Waals forces
    • D) It represents the ionic interactions
  15. Which of the following is true about the Hansen solubility parameter?
    • A) It is only applicable to non-polar solvents
    • B) It includes dispersion, polar, and hydrogen bonding components
    • C) It is less accurate than the Hildebrand parameter
    • D) It cannot be used for polymer solubility predictions
  16. What does a low solubility parameter indicate about a solvent?
    • A) It has high cohesive energy density
    • B) It is highly polar
    • C) It is non-polar
    • D) It has high boiling point
  17. Which of the following is NOT a method to determine solubility parameters?
    • A) Group contribution methods
    • B) Molecular dynamics simulations
    • C) Experimental solubility testing
    • D) X-ray crystallography
  18. What is the primary application of solubility parameters in drug formulation?
    • A) To determine the melting point of excipients
    • B) To predict drug-excipient compatibility
    • C) To measure the viscosity of solutions
    • D) To calculate the molecular weight of drugs
  19. Which solubility parameter is often used in the context of polymer science?
    • A) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • B) Hansen solubility parameter
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above
  20. What is the relationship between solubility parameters and solubility?
    • A) Directly proportional
    • B) Inversely proportional
    • C) No relationship
    • D) Depends on the solvent
  21. Which component of the Hansen solubility parameter accounts for hydrogen bonding?
    • A) Dispersion component
    • B) Polar component
    • C) Hydrogen bonding component
    • D) Ionic component
  22. What is the main advantage of using solubility parameters in formulation development?
    • A) Reduces the need for experimental testing
    • B) Increases the melting point of compounds
    • C) Decreases the viscosity of solutions
    • D) Increases the molecular weight of drugs
  23. Which solubility parameter is more comprehensive for predicting solubility in mixed solvents?
    • A) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • B) Hansen solubility parameter
    • C) Flory-Huggins parameter
    • D) Raoult’s law parameter
  24. What does the term “solubility parameter” refer to?
    • A) A measure of the solubility of a solute in a solvent
    • B) A measure of the cohesive energy density of a solvent
    • C) A measure of the polarity of a solvent
    • D) A measure of the molecular weight of a solute
  25. Which of the following is a limitation of the Hansen solubility parameter?
    • A) It is not applicable to polar solvents
    • B) It does not consider dispersion forces
    • C) It requires three parameters for calculation
    • D) It is less accurate for non-polar solvents
  26. What is the significance of the polar component in the Hansen solubility parameter?
    • A) It represents the van der Waals forces
    • B) It represents the hydrogen bonding interactions
    • C) It represents the ionic interactions
    • D) It represents the dipole-dipole interactions
  27. Which solubility parameter is often used for predicting the solubility of small molecules?
    • A) Hildebrand solubility parameter
    • B) Hansen solubility parameter
    • C) Both A and B
    • D) None of the above
  28. What is the main challenge in using solubility parameters for formulation development?
    • A) High computational cost
    • B) Limited accuracy for complex mixtures
    • C) Difficulty in experimental measurement
    • D) Lack of theoretical basis
  29. Which of the following is true about the Hildebrand solubility parameter?
    • A) It includes dispersion, polar, and hydrogen bonding components
    • B) It is only applicable to polar solvents
    • C) It is based on the cohesive energy density
    • D) It is less accurate than the Hansen parameter
  30. What is the primary factor that the Hildebrand solubility parameter does not account for?
    • A) Dispersion forces
    • B) Polar forces
    • C) Hydrogen bonding
    • D) Cohesive energy density

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