Principle, Procedure, Merits, Demerits and applications of Gaseous and Radiation Sterilization

Principle, Procedure, Merits, Demerits and applications of Gaseous and Radiation Sterilization

Sterilization is a critical process in microbiology and pharmacy, ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical and pharmaceutical products. Among the various sterilization methods, gaseous and radiation sterilization stand out for their unique advantages and applications. This article delves into the principles, procedures, merits, demerits, and applications of gaseous and radiation sterilization. By exploring these methods, students will gain insights into how these advanced sterilization techniques contribute to maintaining sterility in medical and pharmaceutical environments.

Gaseous Sterilization

Principle: Gaseous sterilization involves using chemical agents in a gaseous state to eliminate microorganisms. The most commonly used gases are ethylene oxide (EO), formaldehyde, and hydrogen peroxide. These gases work by alkylating the proteins, DNA, and RNA of microorganisms, thereby disrupting their cellular functions and leading to cell death.

Procedure: The procedure for gaseous sterilization typically involves several stages:

  • Preconditioning and Humidification: Items to be sterilized are placed in a chamber where temperature and humidity are controlled to prepare them for gas exposure.
  • Gas Introduction: The sterilant gas is introduced into the chamber. For ethylene oxide, the concentration ranges from 450 to 1200 mg/l, with temperatures between 37 to 63°C and relative humidity of 40 to 80%2.
  • Exposure: The items are exposed to the gas for a specified period, usually ranging from 1 to 6 hours, depending on the gas concentration and temperature.
  • Evacuation: The gas is evacuated from the chamber.
  • Aeration: The items are aerated to remove any residual gas, which can be toxic.


  • Effective for Heat-Sensitive Materials: Gaseous sterilization is ideal for materials that cannot withstand high temperatures, such as plastics and electronics.
  • High Penetration Power: The gases can penetrate complex structures and packaging materials, ensuring thorough sterilization.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of materials, including medical devices, surgical instruments, and pharmaceuticals.


  • Toxicity: Gases like ethylene oxide are toxic and carcinogenic, posing health risks to operators and requiring careful handling and aeration.
  • Flammability: Some gases are highly flammable and explosive, necessitating stringent safety measures.
  • Lengthy Process: The sterilization and aeration process can be time-consuming, often taking several hours to complete.
  • Cost: The equipment and operational costs for gaseous sterilization can be high.


  • Medical Devices: Sterilization of complex medical devices, including catheters, stents, and surgical instruments.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Sterilization of pharmaceutical products and containers.
  • Healthcare: Sterilization of heat-sensitive items like syringes, hypodermic needles, and plastic items.
  • Food Industry: Occasionally used for sterilizing food products and packaging materials.

Gaseous sterilization is a critical method in ensuring the sterility of various medical and pharmaceutical products, especially those sensitive to heat and moisture. Despite its drawbacks, its effectiveness and versatility make it an indispensable tool in the field of microbiology and pharmacy.

Radiation Sterilization

Principle: Radiation sterilization uses ionizing radiation to destroy microorganisms. The primary types of ionizing radiation used are gamma rays, X-rays, and electron beams. These radiations work by producing reactive molecules such as hydroxyl radicals and hydride radicals when they collide with particles. These reactive molecules degrade and alter biopolymers like DNA and proteins, leading to the death of the irradiated cells.

Procedure: The procedure for radiation sterilization involves several key steps:

Preparation: Items to be sterilized are packaged and placed in a radiation chamber.

Exposure: The items are exposed to ionizing radiation. The duration and intensity of exposure depend on the type of radiation and the nature of the items being sterilized.

  • Gamma Rays: Generated from radioisotopes like Cobalt-60, gamma rays have high penetration power and are used for sterilizing large volumes and thick materials.
  • Electron Beams: Produced by electron accelerators, these have lower penetration power compared to gamma rays but are effective for surface sterilization and thin materials.
  • X-rays: Similar to gamma rays but produced by X-ray machines, they offer high penetration and are used for a variety of medical and industrial applications.

Post-Exposure Handling: After exposure, the items are removed from the chamber and can be used immediately as there are no residuals left by the radiation.


  • Cold Sterilization: Radiation sterilization is a cold process, making it suitable for heat-sensitive materials.
  • Uniform Sterilization: Provides uniform sterilization even in complex or densely packed materials.
  • No Residue: Unlike chemical methods, radiation leaves no residues on the sterilized items.
  • Time Efficiency: The process is relatively quick, especially with electron beam sterilization.


  • High Capital Costs: The equipment and facilities required for radiation sterilization are expensive.
  • Specialized Facilities: Requires specialized facilities and safety measures to handle radioactive materials.
  • Material Degradation: Some materials may degrade or change properties when exposed to high doses of radiation.
  • Limited Effectiveness: Not always effective against all types of viruses and prions.


  • Medical Devices: Sterilization of single-use medical devices such as syringes, surgical gloves, and implantable devices.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Sterilization of pharmaceutical products and packaging.
  • Food Industry: Used for food irradiation to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life.
  • Tissue Grafts: Sterilization of tissue grafts and other biological materials.

Radiation sterilization is a powerful and versatile method, particularly valuable for its ability to sterilize heat-sensitive and complex items. Despite its high costs and the need for specialized facilities, its effectiveness and efficiency make it a crucial tool in medical and industrial applications.


Understanding the principle, procedure, merits, demerits, and applications of gaseous and radiation sterilization is essential for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical and pharmaceutical products. Gaseous sterilization, with its high penetration power and suitability for heat-sensitive materials, is widely used despite its toxicity and lengthy process. Radiation sterilization, on the other hand, offers a residue-free, efficient, and uniform sterilization method, ideal for a variety of applications, though it comes with high costs and potential material degradation. By comprehensively understanding these sterilization techniques, pharmacy students can make informed decisions on the best methods to ensure sterility in various contexts, contributing to advancements in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

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