Principle, Procedure, Merits, Demerits and Applications of Mechanical Method of Sterilization

Principle, Procedure, Merits, Demerits and Applications of Mechanical Method of Sterilization

Sterilization is a critical process in microbiology and pharmacy, ensuring that all forms of microbial life are effectively eliminated from various materials and environments. Among the various sterilization techniques, the mechanical method stands out for its unique approach. This article delves into the principles, procedures, merits, demerits, and applications of the mechanical method of sterilization. By understanding these aspects, pharmacy students can appreciate the importance and practicality of mechanical sterilization in their field.

The principle of mechanical sterilization revolves around the physical removal of microorganisms from liquids or air, rather than killing them through chemical or thermal means. This method is particularly useful for sterilizing heat-sensitive materials.


Filtration is the most widely used mechanical method of sterilization. It involves passing a liquid or gas through a filter that traps microorganisms. There are several types of filters used in this method:

Types of Filters

Membrane Filters:

  • Material: Typically made from cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate, or other synthetic polymers.
  • Pore Size: Commonly range from 0.1 to 0.45 micrometers. A 0.22-micrometer filter is often used to remove bacteria and larger microorganisms.
  • Application: Used for sterilizing heat-sensitive solutions like antibiotic solutions, vaccines, and other pharmaceuticals.

HEPA Filters:

  • Material: Made from a mat of randomly arranged fibers, usually fiberglass.
  • Pore Size: Can remove particles as small as 0.3 micrometers with an efficiency of 99.97%.
  • Application: Used in air purification systems in operating rooms, laboratories, and clean rooms.

Depth Filters:

  • Material: Composed of fibrous or granular materials like diatomaceous earth, asbestos, or sintered glass.
  • Mechanism: Traps particles within the matrix of the filter material.
  • Application: Often used as pre-filters to remove larger particles before finer filtration.

Filtration Process


  • Select the appropriate filter type and pore size based on the size of the microorganisms to be removed.
  • Assemble the filtration apparatus, ensuring all components are sterile.


  • Liquid Filtration: The liquid is either pulled through the filter using a vacuum (negative pressure) or pushed through using positive pressure.
  • Air Filtration: Air is passed through HEPA filters to remove airborne microorganisms.


  • Check the filtrate for sterility to ensure that the filtration process was effective.
  • Maintain and replace filters regularly to prevent clogging and ensure efficiency.

Advantages of Filtration

  • Heat-Sensitive Materials: Ideal for sterilizing solutions that cannot withstand heat.
  • No Chemical Residues: Does not introduce any chemical residues into the filtrate.
  • Efficiency: Effective in removing a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi.

Limitations of Filtration

  • Filter Clogging: Filters can become clogged with particulate matter, requiring frequent replacement.
  • Virus Removal: Standard filters may not remove very small microorganisms like viruses.
  • Cost: High-quality filters and filtration systems can be expensive.
  • Applications
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Sterilizing heat-sensitive solutions and biological products.
  • Laboratories: Preparing sterile media and reagents.
  • Healthcare: Air purification in operating rooms and isolation wards.

Filtration is a versatile and essential method in various fields, ensuring the sterility of products and environments without the use of heat or chemicals.


Centrifugation is a technique that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a solution based on their size, shape, and density. Although it is not typically used for sterilization, it is crucial for separating microorganisms from liquids.

Principle: Centrifugation works on the principle of sedimentation, where particles in a suspension are subjected to centrifugal force. This force causes particles to move outward from the center of rotation, leading to their separation based on density.


  • Sample Preparation: The sample is placed in a centrifuge tube, balanced with a counterweight.
  • Centrifugation: The tube is placed in the rotor of the centrifuge, which is then spun at a specific speed (RPM) and time.
  • Separation: Denser particles form a pellet at the bottom of the tube, while less dense particles remain in the supernatant.
  • Post-Centrifugation: The supernatant is decanted or pipetted off, leaving the pellet for further analysis.


  • Biological Research: Separation of cellular components, purification of nucleic acids and proteins.
  • Clinical Laboratories: Separation of blood components, such as plasma and serum.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Clarification of solutions and separation of precipitates.


Ultrafiltration is an advanced form of filtration that uses membranes with very small pore sizes to remove viruses and other small microorganisms.

Principle: Ultrafiltration works by passing a liquid through a semi-permeable membrane that retains particles larger than the membrane’s pore size while allowing smaller molecules to pass through.


  • Preparation: Select an appropriate ultrafiltration membrane based on the size of the particles to be removed.
  • Filtration: The liquid is forced through the membrane using pressure.
  • Separation: Larger particles are retained by the membrane, while smaller molecules pass through.
  • Post-Filtration: The filtrate is collected and checked for sterility.


  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Sterilization of heat-sensitive solutions and biological products.
  • Water Treatment: Removal of pathogens and contaminants from water.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: Concentration and purification of proteins and other macromolecules.

Air Purification

Air Purification systems, such as those using HEPA filters, are used to maintain sterile environments by removing airborne microorganisms.

Principle: Air purification works by passing air through filters that trap microorganisms and particles.


  • Filter Selection: Choose a HEPA filter with the appropriate efficiency.
  • Air Filtration: Air is drawn through the filter, which traps particles as small as 0.3 micrometers.
  • Maintenance: Regularly replace or clean filters to maintain efficiency.


  • Healthcare: Maintaining sterile environments in operating rooms and isolation wards.
  • Laboratories: Ensuring clean air in research and production areas.
  • Clean Rooms: Used in industries like electronics and pharmaceuticals to prevent contamination.
  • These methods, while not as commonly discussed as filtration, play crucial roles in various fields by ensuring the removal of microorganisms and maintaining sterile conditions.


In conclusion, understanding the principles, procedures, merits, demerits, and applications of mechanical methods of sterilization is crucial for pharmacy graduate students and professionals in related fields. Mechanical sterilization methods, such as filtration, centrifugation, and ultrafiltration, offer effective solutions for sterilizing heat-sensitive materials and maintaining sterile environments. Each method has its unique advantages and limitations, making it essential to choose the appropriate technique based on specific requirements. By mastering these methods, students can ensure the highest standards of sterility in their professional practices, contributing to safer and more effective pharmaceutical and microbiological processes.

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