Carbonyl Compounds- Structure and Uses

Carbonyl Compounds

A carbonyl compound is a molecule that consists of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom (C=O). It’s like the dynamic duo of organic chemistry, showing up in various compounds. These compounds play a starring role in the organic world, and their primary members include aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids. Carbonyl compounds also include other cool characters like esters, amides, and lactones. They’re like the supporting cast, each with its unique role. Carbonyl compounds are the VIPs of organic chemistry, strutting their stuff with that C=O swagger. In this article we will see qualitative tests and structures and uses of some important carbonyl compounds.

Qualitative tests

2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone Test (DNPH Test)

  • Purpose: This test helps identify both aldehydes and ketones.
  • Reagent: 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH).
  • Result: Most aldehydes and ketones react with DNPH to form brightly colored orange-yellow precipitates. The reaction involves the formation of a hydrazone derivative.


The carbonyl group reacts with DNPH, leading to the formation of an orange-yellow solid.

Example: When cyclohexanone or benzaldehyde reacts with DNPH, an orange-yellow precipitate forms.


  • Dissolve your test compound in 95% ethanol.
  • Mix it with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine reagent.
  • Look for the formation of an orange-yellow precipitate, indicating the presence of an aldehyde or ketone.

Tollen’s Test (Silver Mirror Test)

  • Purpose: Selective for aldehydes.
  • Reagent: Tollen’s reagent (ammoniacal silver nitrate solution).
  • Result: Aldehydes reduce Ag+ ions to metallic silver (Ag0), forming a silver mirror on the inner surface of the test tube. Ketones do not undergo this reaction.
  • Cleanliness Note: The test tube must be clean and free from scratches for the silver mirror to form.
  • Example: Formaldehyde (an aldehyde) gives a silver mirror when treated with Tollen’s reagent.

Benedict’s Test

  • Purpose: Detects reducing sugars, including some aldehydes (e.g., glucose).
  • Reagent: Benedict’s reagent (alkaline copper(II) sulfate solution).
  • Result: Positive test shows a color change from blue to brick-red or orange precipitate.
  • Example: Glucose reacts with Benedict’s reagent to give a brick-red precipitate3.

Chromic Acid Test (Bordwell-Wellman Test)

  • Purpose: Identifies primary and secondary alcohols, which can be oxidized to aldehydes and ketones, respectively.
  • Reagent: Acidified potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in sulfuric acid.
  • Result: Aldehydes and some ketones (e.g., acetone) are oxidized, leading to a color change from orange to green.
  • Example: Ethanol (a primary alcohol) is oxidized to acetaldehyde.

Schiff’s Test

  • Purpose: Detects aldehydes.
  • Reagent: Schiff’s reagent (fuchsin solution).
  • Result: Positive test shows a magenta color due to the formation of a colored compound.
  • Example: Formaldehyde reacts with Schiff’s reagent to produce a magenta color3.

Iodoform Test

  • Purpose: Identifies methyl ketones (containing the CH3CO- group).
  • Reagent: Iodine (I2) in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution.
  • Result: Positive test forms yellow iodoform precipitate.
  • Example: Acetone reacts with I2/NaOH to give iodoform (CHI3) precipitate3.

Structure and uses of some important carbonyl compounds

Formaldehyde (CH₂O)

  • Chemical Formula: CH₂O
  • Molecular Structure: Formaldehyde has the structure H₂C=O, where the carbon atom is doubly bonded to the oxygen atom. It’s the simplest aldehyde, composed of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen.
  • Appearance: Colorless gas with a pungent odor.
  • Solubility: Soluble in water and acetone.


Industrial Applications

  • Resins: Formaldehyde is crucial in the production of resins, particularly urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde resins. These resins are used to make particleboard, coatings, and adhesives for wood products like furniture and cabinets.
  • Building Materials: It’s used to produce a wide array of building materials, including laminates, plywood, and insulation.
  • Textile Industry: Used in textile finishing processes.
  • Plastics and Polymers: Formaldehyde-based polymers find applications in various plastic products.

Medicinal Uses

  • Disinfectant and Preservative: In agriculture and medicine, formaldehyde acts as a disinfectant, fungicide, and preservative.
  • Laboratory Reagent: Used in chemical laboratories for various reactions.
  • Tissue Fixation: In histology, formaldehyde fixes tissues for microscopic examination.
  • Formaldehyde is also used in embalming fluids for preserving bodies.


  • Chemical Formula: C₆H₁₂O₃
  • Molecular Structure: Paraldehyde is the cyclic trimer of acetaldehyde molecules. Formally, it’s a derivative of 1,3,5-trioxane, with a methyl group substituted for a hydrogen atom at each carbon.
  • Appearance: Colorless liquid with a sweet odor.
  • Solubility: Sparingly soluble in water, highly soluble in ethanol.



  • Sedative-Hypnotic: Paraldehyde has been used as a sedative-hypnotic drug.
  • Anticonvulsant: It also exhibits anticonvulsant properties.
  • Breath Odor: When administered, it’s largely excreted by the lungs, giving an unpleasant odor to the breath.


  • Resin Manufacture: Used as an alternative to formaldehyde in making phenol-formaldehyde resins.
  • Antimicrobial Preservative: Paraldehyde has antimicrobial properties.
  • Solvent: Rarely used as a solvent.
  • Generation of Aldehyde Fuchsin: Used in chemical reactions to generate aldehyde fuchsin.


  • Chemical Formula:  CH₃C(O)CH₃
  • Appearance: Colorless liquid.
  • Odor: Pungent and slightly fruity.


  • Solvent: Acetone is an excellent solvent for various organic compounds. It mixes well with water and evaporates quickly, making it useful in cleaning, degreasing, and removing nail polish. It’s commonly found in nail polish removers due to its ability to dissolve nail polish effectively.

Industrial Applications

  • Resins and Plastics: Acetone is a key ingredient in the production of resins (such as acrylics) and plastics (like polystyrene).
  • Paints and Coatings: Used as a solvent in paints, varnishes, and coatings.
  • Chemical Synthesis: Acetone serves as a starting material for various chemical reactions.

Laboratory Use

  • Acetone is widely used in laboratories as a solvent, cleaning agent, and reagent.
  • It’s essential for preparing certain chemical solutions and extracting compounds.

Health and Beauty

  • Nail Polish Remover: As mentioned earlier, acetone efficiently removes nail polish.
  • Cosmetics: Found in some cosmetic products like skin creams and lotions.

Chloral Hydrate

  • Chemical Formula: C₂H₃Cl₃O₂
  • Molecular Structure: Chloral hydrate is a geminal diol, resulting from the addition of one equivalent of water to chloral (trichloroacetaldehyde). Its structure consists of three chlorine atoms (Cl₃C), two hydrogen atoms (H), and two hydroxyl groups (OH).
  • Appearance: Colorless solid.
  • Odor: Aromatic with a slightly acrid smell.


  • Sedative and Hypnotic: Chloral hydrate was historically used as a sedative and hypnotic (sleep aid) in the late 19th century. It depresses the central nervous system, inducing sleep and reducing anxiety. Although it has been largely replaced by safer alternatives, it remained in use in the United States until at least the 1970s.
  • Laboratory Reagent: Chloral hydrate serves as a starting point for synthesizing other organic compounds. It’s used in chemical reactions and as a precursor for producing chloral (by distillation with sulfuric acid).
  • Hoyer’s Mounting Medium: Used in microscopy, chloral hydrate is a component of Hoyer’s mounting medium. This medium helps prepare microscope slides for observing organisms.
  • Clearing Agent for Chitin and Fibers: Chloral hydrate is also useful as a clearing agent for chitin (a component of insect exoskeletons) and fibers.

Hexamine (Methenamine)

  • Chemical Formula: C₆H₁₂N₄
  • Molecular Structure: Hexamine has a symmetric tetrahedral cage-like structure, similar to adamantane. Imagine a three-dimensional framework where the “edges” are methylene bridges (CH₂) and the four “corners” are nitrogen atoms (N). It’s like a tiny molecular cage!
  • Appearance: Hexamine is a colorless, strongly refractive liquid.
  • Odor: Odorless.


  • Anti-Infective Agent: Hexamine is most commonly used to treat urinary tract infections. Its anti-infective action arises from the slow release of formaldehyde (CH₂O) by hydrolysis at acidic pH. It acts as a urinary antiseptic.

Industrial Applications

  • Phenolic Resins: Hexamine is used in the production of liquid or powdery preparations of phenolic resins.
  • Clutch and Brake Linings: Used as binders in clutch and brake linings.
  • Deodorants and Antiperspirants: Hexamine is used in the form of sprays and creams to treat body odor and excessive sweating.
  • Grocott’s Methenamine Silver Stain: Used in histology for staining fungal organisms.
  • Solid Fuel: Hexamine tablets are used as solid fuel (e.g., for camping stoves).

Other Uses

  • Food Preservative: Hexamine is used as a food preservative.
  • Explosives: It serves as a primary ingredient in making RDX (cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine), an explosive.
  • Corrosion Inhibitor: Used as a corrosion inhibitor for steel.

Health Hazards

  • Hexamine exposure can cause irritation in the eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, and skin.
  • Inhaling hexamine leads to shortness of breath and coughing.
  • Skin contact causes redness, rashes, burns, and pain.
  • Swallowing hexamine results in urinary tract irritation and digestive disturbances.


  • Chemical Formula: C₇H₆O
  • Molecular Structure: Benzaldehyde consists of a benzene ring (C₆H₅) with a formyl substituent (CHO) attached.
  • Appearance: Colorless liquid.
  • Odor: Almond-like.


Flavoring and Fragrance

  • Benzaldehyde is commonly used in cherry-flavored sodas.
  • It’s a component of bitter almond oil and is responsible for the almond-like scent.
  • Used in perfumes and flavoring agents.
  • Synthetic benzaldehyde is the flavoring agent in imitation almond extract for baked goods.

Industrial Applications

  • Dyes and Pharmaceuticals: Used in the manufacture of dyes and cinnamic acid.
  • Acridine Dyes: Precursor for certain acridine dyes.
  • Bee Repellent: Its odor is used as a bee repellent to extract honey.



  • Chemical Formula: C₈H₈O₃
  • Molecular Structure: Vanillin is a phenolic aldehyde with the formula C₆H₃(OH)(OCH₃)CHO. It contains functional groups such as aldehyde, hydroxyl, and ether.
  • Appearance: White solid.
  • Odor: Think of the sweet, balsamic scent of vanilla—vanillin is responsible for that delightful aroma.


Flavoring Agent

  • Vanillin is the primary component of natural vanilla extract.
  • It’s widely used as a flavoring in foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Synthetic vanillin (often from guaiacol or lignin) is more common than natural vanilla extract due to cost and availability.

Cosmetics and Personal Care

  • Found in perfumes, lotions, and creams for its pleasant scent.
  • Used in toothpaste and mouthwash.


  • Vanillin is used as a flavoring in some medicines to improve taste.


  • Chemical Formula: C₆H₅CH=CHCHO
  • Molecular Structure: Cinnamaldehyde is a pale yellow, viscous liquid.
  • Functional Groups: It contains an aldehyde group (−CHO) attached to a benzene ring.
  • Natural Source: It occurs predominantly as the trans (E) isomer in cinnamon bark.


Flavor and Odor

  • Cinnamaldehyde gives cinnamon its characteristic flavor and aroma.
  • It’s present in cinnamon bark essential oil (about 90% of the oil).

Food Industry

  • Used as a flavoring agent in chewing gum, ice cream, candy, and beverages.
  • Also found in perfumes with sweet or natural scents.


  • Naturally synthesized by the shikimate pathway.
  • The essential oil of cinnamon bark is rich in cinnamaldehyde.


In this we have seen various qualitative tests for carbonyl compounds. We also have seen structures and functions of some important carbonyl compounds. Formaldehyde (CH₂O) is a simple aldehyde used in resins and as a disinfectant. Paraldehyde (C₆H₁₂O₃) historically served as a sedative and is now used in laboratories. Acetone (C₃H₆O), a common solvent, finds applications in industry and nail polish removers. Chloral hydrate (C₂H₃Cl₃O₂) was a hypnotic, now used as a laboratory reagent. Hexamine (C₆H₁₂N₄) acts as an anti-infective and solid fuel. Benzaldehyde (C₇H₆O) provides the flavor of cinnamon and is used in dyes. Vanillin (C₈H₈O₃) gives vanilla its aroma and is found in cosmetics. Lastly, cinnamaldehyde contributes to cinnamon’s flavor and has various applications. These compounds enrich our sensory experiences and have diverse uses.

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