History of Pharmacy Profession in India in Relation to Pharmacy Education

Introduction In India the pharmacy education was started in 1842 in Goa by Portuguese as a certificate course and this is the first step towards pharmacy profession in India. Formal training of the compounds was started in 1881 in Bengal. The university level program of pharmacy is started in 1937 at Banaras Hindu University. After … Read more

Introduction to Pharmacopoeia

Introduction Pharmacopoeia is a book containing directions for the identification and evaluation of medicines, published by the authority of a government or a medical or pharmaceutical society. In a broader sense it is a reference book for pharmaceutical drug specifications. The word pharmacopoeia is derived from Greek language, pharmakon means drug and poieo means I … Read more

Types of dosage forms with examples

Types of dosage forms with examples Most of the drugs cannot be administered directly in pure chemical form, they need to be change in appropriate dosage forms to administer to the patients. After converting them into a specific dose formulation, they are given to the patients in various dosage form through various routes of administration. … Read more

Flow Properties of Powders

Introduction The basic and initial requirement in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is the powder. Flow properties of powders affects many common manufacturing problems. Flow properties of powders are basically mechanical property. Powders may be free flowing or sticky. In this article we will see powder characteristics, factors affecting flow properties of powder, methods to determine flow … Read more

Preformulation: Solubility Profile of Drugs

Introduction The maximum amount of solute dissolved in unit amount of solvent in certain conditions of temperature and pH called as solubility. To enter into systemic circulation, the drug is needed to go into the solution form. Solubility profile plays an important role in preformulation study to design a suitable method for obtaining a solution … Read more

Preformulation- Goals, Objective and Physicochemical properties of drug substance

Introduction to Preformulation Preformulation is first phase in the formulation of new dosage form a new drug substance. When new drug is discovered, it needs to be restructured into the appropriate dosage form to produce desired action at a particular site. Preformulation is a study of physical and chemical properties of the drug substance alone … Read more

Solubility of Drugs- Physical Pharmacy

Solubility of drugs  The word soluble obtains from Latin word solvere meaning to dissolve. Solubility of drugs is defined as the amount of solute dissolved in a specific amount of solvent at specific temperature. Solubility is a physicochemical property of a substance to fully dissolve in another substance. Solubility is generally express in gm/lit. Solubility … Read more

Posology- Definition and Factors Affecting Posology

Posology Posology is a branch of medical science which deals with dose or quantity of drugs which can be administered to a patient to get the desired pharmacological action. The word posology is derived from the Greek words ‘posos’ meaning how much and ‘logos’ meaning science. In this article we will see the various factors … Read more