Critical solution temperature (CST) and distribution law

Critical solution temperature (CST) and distribution law

The Critical Solution Temperature (CST) is the temperature at which two partially miscible liquids become completely miscible in all proportions. There are two types: the Upper Critical Solution Temperature (UCST), above which the liquids are fully miscible, and the Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST), below which they are fully miscible. CST is crucial in pharmaceutics for optimizing formulations, ensuring drug solubility, and creating stable emulsions. The distribution law, also known as the partition law, states that a solute will distribute itself between two immiscible solvents in a constant ratio at a given temperature. In physical pharmaceutics, this principle is crucial for understanding drug partitioning between aqueous and organic phases, which affects drug absorption, bioavailability, and formulation design. It helps in predicting how a drug will behave in different environments, aiding in the development of effective pharmaceutical products.

Critical solution temperature (CST)

The Critical Solution Temperature (CST) is the temperature at which two partially miscible liquids become completely miscible in all proportions. At this temperature, the two phases merge into a single homogeneous phase.

Types of CST

There are two main types of CST:

Upper Critical Solution Temperature (UCST): The highest temperature at which phase separation occurs. Above this temperature, the liquids are completely miscible.

Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST): The lowest temperature at which phase separation occurs. Below this temperature, the liquids are completely miscible.

Phase Diagrams

Phase diagrams are used to represent the behavior of partially miscible liquids. These diagrams plot temperature against composition and show the regions where the liquids are miscible and immiscible.

  • UCST Phase Diagram: For systems with a UCST, the phase diagram typically shows a dome-shaped curve. Inside the dome, the liquids are immiscible and form two phases. Outside the dome, they are completely miscible.
  • LCST Phase Diagram: For systems with an LCST, the phase diagram also shows a dome-shaped curve, but the regions of miscibility and immiscibility are inverted compared to the UCST diagram.

Thermodynamics of CST

The miscibility of liquids is governed by the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) for the mixing process:



ΔH: Enthalpy change

ΔS: Entropy change

T: Temperature

At the CST, the Gibbs free energy change for mixing becomes zero, indicating that the two liquids are completely miscible. The enthalpy change (ΔH) and entropy change (ΔS) play crucial roles in determining the CST.

Factors Affecting CST

  • Nature of Liquids: The polarity, molecular size, and intermolecular interactions between the liquids influence the CST.
  • Presence of Additives: Adding a third component, such as a co-solvent or surfactant, can alter the CST by changing the interactions between the molecules.
  • Pressure: While pressure has a significant effect on the solubility of gases in liquids, its effect on the CST of liquid-liquid systems is usually minimal.

Applications in Pharmaceutics

  • Formulation Development: Understanding the CST helps in selecting appropriate solvents and co-solvents for drug formulations, ensuring that the drug remains in solution form for effective absorption.
  • Emulsions: Knowledge of CST is essential for creating stable emulsions, where one liquid is dispersed in another. Emulsifying agents can be used to stabilize these systems.
  • Drug Solubility: CST data is crucial for optimizing the solubility of drugs in various solvents, enhancing their bioavailability and therapeutic effectiveness.

Phenol-Water System

In the phenol-water system, the UCST is around 66.8°C. Below this temperature, phenol and water form two separate layers, each containing some amount of the other component. Above this temperature, they become completely miscible in all proportions.

By understanding the principles of CST, pharmaceutical scientists can optimize formulations and processes to achieve desired therapeutic outcomes.

Distribution Law 

Distribution Law, also known as the Nernst Distribution Law, describes how a solute distributes itself between two immiscible solvents at equilibrium. The law is mathematically expressed as:



( C_1 ) and ( C_2 ) are the concentrations of the solute in the two solvents.

( K_D ) is the distribution coefficient.

Limitations of Distribution Law

  • Ideal Behavior Assumption: The law assumes that the solute behaves ideally in both solvents, which is often not the case in real systems due to solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions1.
  • Constant Temperature: The distribution coefficient is temperature-dependent, so the law is only valid at a constant temperature.
  • Non-Volatile Solutes: The law applies to non-volatile solutes. Volatile solutes can escape from the solution, affecting the distribution.
  • No Chemical Reaction: The solute should not undergo any chemical reaction in either of the solvents.
  • Immiscibility of Solvents: The two solvents must be immiscible. Any mutual solubility can affect the distribution of the solute.

Applications of Distribution Law

  • Solvent Extraction: Used to separate organic compounds from aqueous solutions. For example, extracting caffeine from coffee using dichloromethane.
  • Partition Chromatography: Utilized in separating components of a mixture based on their distribution between a stationary phase and a mobile phase.
  • Desilverization of Lead (Parkes Process): Used in metallurgy to separate silver from lead using zinc.
  • Confirmatory Tests for Halides: Used in qualitative analysis to confirm the presence of bromine or iodine by shaking with chloroform4.
  • Determination of Association: Helps in determining the degree of association or dissociation of solutes in different solvents.


Critical Solution Temperature (CST) is the temperature at which a solution undergoes a phase transition, leading to the separation of two immiscible phases. Below this temperature, the solution is homogeneous, but as the temperature exceeds the CST, phase separation occurs, resulting in distinct phases with different compositions. Distribution Law, also known as Nernst’s Distribution Law, describes how a solute distributes itself between two immiscible solvents in equilibrium. The ratio of the solute’s concentrations in the two solvents remains constant at a given temperature, provided the solute exists in the same molecular form in both solvents. Both concepts are crucial in understanding the behavior of drug molecules in different environments, aiding in drug formulation and development.

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