Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has released a latest notification for the recruitment of Ayurvedic Pharmacy Officer with advertisement number 1/2-2024.
Closing Date for Submission of Online Applications: 08 /03 /2024 (08th March 2024) (Till 11.59 PM).
Post name: Ayurvedic Pharmacy Officer
Number of posts: 41
Pay scale: Level – 8 (Rs. 29700 – 94100)
Age limit: Between 18 to 45 years.
Official website: click here
- Plus two from a recognized Board of School Education.
- Successful training of at least two years duration in Ayurvedic Pharmacist / Diploma in Pharmacy (Ayurveda) / Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (Ayurveda) from an Institution duly recognized by the Himachal Pradesh Takniki Shiksha Board/University recognized by the Himachal Pradesh Government.

Application fees:
- Male candidates of General, General Physically Disabled (orthopedically disabled, Deaf & Dumb and Hearing Impaired), Economic Weaker Section (EWS) (not included in BPL category), Wards of Freedom Fighter categories (WFF) and General –Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh who are relieved from the Defence Services on their own request before completion of their normal tenure of service under the Government of India – 400
- Candidates of Other States (including reserved category(s) candidates of other states.) – 400
- Male candidates of SC, ST, OBC and EWS covered under UR – BPL categories of Himachal Pradesh and Ex-Servicemen candidates of Himachal Pradesh belonging to SC, ST and OBC categories who are relieved from the Defence Services on their own request before completion of their normal tenure of service under the Government of India –100
- The Ex-Servicemen male candidates of Himachal Pradesh who are relieved from the Defence Services after completion of their normal tenure of service under the Government of India and the Blind and Visually Impaired male candidates of Himachal Pradesh are exempted from paying the examination fee.
- Screening test
- Document verification
Exam pattern
Selection to various Class-III posts falling under the preview of the Commission shall be made as per the rules /instructions of the Government which presently stipulates that the same shall be done on the basis of written examination /test (Computer Based Test / Offline Test) only. In all such cases selection will be done by the Commission by subjecting the applicants to two types of papers having objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with negative marking for in correct /wrong answers in the following manner
- A computer Based Test (CBT) or Offline Screening Test of one hour duration having 100 marks consisting of objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with negative marking for incorrect/ wrong answers as follows:
- General knowledge of Himachal Pradesh = 30 Marks
- General knowledge of National and International Affairs = 30 Marks.
- Knowledge of Hindi language = 20 Marks
- Knowledge of English language = 20 Marks
A Subject Aptitude Test (SAT) (objective type) of two hours duration having 100 marks as per the syllabus to be decided by the Commission from time to time. Provided that test shall be conducted in a single slot with same question papers and in different slots with different sets of question papers depending upon the total number of candidates who have to take the test and the number of computer terminals available to the Commission at the particular date for Computer Based Screening Test. Also, both the Papers will be conducted on the same day in morning and evening sessions at any place in Himachal Pradesh as per decision of the Commission.
The following documents/certificates uploaded in support of claims made/ information given in the Online Application:
- Matriculation certificate for age proof.
- Degree certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years/Consolidated Mark Sheet in support of Educational Qualifications.
- Valid Category certificate(s) in support of their eligibility, if any, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., E.W.S., Ex-Servicemen, Ward of Ex. Servicemen, WFF and Persons with disabilities etc. (All these certificates along with undertaking wherever required, should be on Proforma prescribed by the Government of H.P. from time to time. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Certificates should be in accordance with the instructions of the Govt. issued vide letter No. PER(AP)-C-F (10)-4/2010 dated 5th August, 2019).
- Bonafide Himachali Certificate in case of reserved category candidates.
- Valid EWS/BPL Certificate. (Candidates applying under EWSs category will have to submit either ‘Income & Asset Certificate’ or valid BPL Certificate countersigned by B.D.O. along with non-SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by the competent authority on the format prescribed by H.P. Government vide letter No. PER(AP)-C-B(12)-1/2019 dated 11th June, 2019).
- Servicemen Discharge Certificate/Service Book. (The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish Discharge Certificate/ Service Book and full detail in respect of their P.P.O. No., Rank etc. and NOC with date of retirement from the Defence Services to claim the benefit of reservation for the category of Ex-Serviceman of Himachal Pradesh. The Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) released on or after 13-02-2020 shall have to upload proof of having received gratuity)
For any queries
In case of any guidance/ information / clarification regarding Online Recruitment Applications (ORA), candidates can contact H.P.P.S.C. Reception Counter in person or on Toll Free No.1800-180- 8004 or Ph. No.0177-2629738 on any working day between 10:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. Queries related to online applications can also be mailed by the candidates on e-mail ID “ hppsc_shimla@msn.com”. No candidate will interact directly with the staff in the Recruitment Sections.
Official website: click here