MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam

MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam (Railway Pharmacist) in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Urinary System. Read following article for your reference.

Urinary System

The primary function of the urinary system is:

a) Transporting oxygen

b) Maintaining blood pressure and volume

c) Removing waste products from the blood

d) Fighting off infections


The bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the blood are the:

a) Ureters

b) Urethra

c) Kidneys

d) Bladder


The microscopic unit of the kidney responsible for filtration and reabsorption is the:

a) Nephron

b) Glomerulus

c) Renal pelvis

d) Bowman’s capsule


Inside the glomerulus, blood pressure forces fluids and waste products through a network of:

a) Capillaries

b) Epithelial cells

c) Smooth muscle

d) Connective tissue


The cup-shaped structure surrounding the glomerulus that collects filtrate is called:

a) Nephron loop

b) Distal convoluted tubule

c) Proximal convoluted tubule

d) Bowman’s capsule


In the proximal convoluted tubule, most of the water, electrolytes, and glucose are:

a) Excreted

b) Reabsorbed

c) Broken down

d) Produced


The loop of Henle plays a crucial role in:

a) Filtering waste

b) Concentrating urine

c) Regulating blood pressure

d) Producing hormones


In the distal convoluted tubule, the body fine-tunes the composition of urine based on:

a) Blood pressure

b) Blood sugar levels

c) Hormone signals

d) All of the above


Urine travels from the kidney to the bladder through a pair of muscular tubes called:

a) Ureters

b) Urethra

c) Nephrons

d) Collecting ducts


The muscular sac that stores urine until it is released from the body is the:

a) Ureter

b) Urethra

c) Bladder

d) Kidney


The muscular tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body is the:

a) Ureter

b) Urethra

c) Bladder

d) Kidney


The urge to urinate is triggered by the stretching of the bladder wall detected by:

a) Stretch receptors

b) Pain receptors

c) Temperature receptors

d) Chemical receptors


Micturition, the process of emptying the bladder, is controlled by a combination of:

a) Involuntary reflexes

b) Voluntary control

c) Hormones

d) All of the above


The main nitrogenous waste product excreted by the urinary system is:

a) Ammonia

b) Urea

c) Uric acid

d) Creatinine


In addition to waste products, the urinary system also helps regulate:

a) Body temperature

b) Blood pH

c) Red blood cell production

d) All of the above


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) helps regulate water balance by:

a) Increasing urine production

b) Decreasing urine production

c) Increasing blood pressure

d) Decreasing blood sugar levels


What is the term for a burning sensation during urination?

a) Polyuria

b) Dysuria

c) Hematuria

d) Nocturia


Frequent urination, especially at night, is called:

a) Polyuria

b) Dysuria

c) Hematuria

d) Nocturia


The presence of blood in the urine is called:

a) Polyuria

b) Dysuria

c) Hematuria

d) Nocturia


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is most commonly caused by:

a) Viruses

b) Bacteria

c) Fungi

d) Parasites


Kidney stones are formed from:

a) Calcium buildup

b) High blood sugar

c) Excess protein

d) Dehydration


What is the name of the inflammatory condition of the glomerulus?

a) Nephritis

b) Cystitis

c) Urethritis

d) Pyelonephritis


What is the term for the inflammation of the bladder?

a) Nephritis

b) Cystitis

c) Urethritis

d) Pyelonephritis


Dialysis is a treatment used for:

a) Kidney stones

b) Severe UTIs

c) Kidney failure

d) Bladder incontinence


A kidney transplant involves replacing a diseased kidney with a healthy one from a:

a) Deceased donor

b) Living donor

c) Both a and b

d) Neither a nor b


Which age group is most at risk for developing bladder cancer?

a) Children

b) Teenagers

c) Young adults

d) Adults over 50


When urine leaks uncontrollably, it is called:

a) Urinary retention

b) Urinary incontinence

c) Nephrotic syndrome

d) Kidney stones


What hormone produced by the kidneys helps regulate red blood cell production?

a) Erythropoietin (EPO)

b) Renin

c) Aldosterone

d) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)


Regular blood pressure medications can sometimes have side effects on the kidneys. It’s important to:

a) Stop taking the medication

b) Monitor kidney function with your doctor

c) Reduce salt intake in your diet

d) All of the above

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