MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam

MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on Introduction to Genetics, Read following article for your reference.

Introduction to genetics

Which of the following is true about chromosomes?

A) They are made up of RNA.

B) They are found in the cytoplasm.

C) They carry genetic information.

D) They are not involved in cell division.


How many chromosomes are present in a human somatic cell?

A) 23

B) 46

C) 22

D) 44


What is the term for the location of a gene on a chromosome?

A) Allele

B) Locus

C) Centromere

D) Telomere


What is a gene?

A) A segment of DNA that codes for a protein.

B) A type of cell.

C) A molecule that carries oxygen.

D) A structure that produces energy.


Which of the following best describes an allele?

A) A variant form of a gene.

B) A type of chromosome.

C) A protein involved in DNA replication.

D) A segment of RNA.


What is the function of regulatory genes?

A) To code for structural proteins.

B) To control the expression of other genes.

C) To replicate DNA.

D) To produce energy.


What is the shape of the DNA molecule?

A) Single helix

B) Double helix

C) Triple helix

D) Linear strand


Which of the following bases is not found in DNA?

A) Adenine

B) Thymine

C) Uracil

D) Cytosine


What is the role of DNA polymerase in DNA replication?

A) To unwind the DNA double helix.

B) To synthesize new DNA strands.

C) To join Okazaki fragments.

D) To add RNA primers.


What is the first step of protein synthesis?

A) Translation

B) Transcription

C) Replication

D) Splicing


Where does translation occur in the cell?

A) Nucleus

B) Cytoplasm

C) Mitochondria

D) Golgi apparatus


Which molecule carries amino acids to the ribosome during translation?






What is Mendel’s law of segregation?

A) Genes for different traits assort independently.

B) Each individual has two alleles for each gene, which segregate during gamete formation.

C) Dominant alleles mask the effects of recessive alleles.

D) Genes are located on chromosomes.


In a dihybrid cross, what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring?

A) 3:1

B) 9:3:3:1

C) 1:2:1

D) 1:1


What is incomplete dominance?

A) When one allele is completely dominant over another.

B) When both alleles are expressed equally.

C) When the phenotype is a blend of both alleles.

D) When neither allele is expressed.


What is the probability of having a child with cystic fibrosis if both parents are carriers?

A) 0%

B) 25%

C) 50%

D) 75%


Which of the following is an example of a sex-linked trait?

A) Blood type

B) Hemophilia

C) Eye color

D) Height


What is a pedigree chart used for?

A) To determine the sequence of DNA.

B) To track the inheritance of traits in families.

C) To identify mutations in genes.

D) To measure gene expression levels.


What is the term for a change in the DNA sequence?

A) Mutation

B) Translocation

C) Inversion

D) Duplication


Which of the following best describes epistasis?

A) When one gene affects the expression of another gene.

B) When genes are located on the same chromosome.

C) When genes are inherited together.

D) When genes are expressed equally.


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