MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam

MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam (Railway Pharmacist) in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Read following article for your reference.

Pathophysiology: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Which cells are primarily targeted by HIV?

A) Red blood cells

B) CD4+ T-helper cells

C) Platelets

D) Neutrophils


What enzyme is responsible for converting viral RNA into DNA in HIV?

A) Integrase

B) Protease

C) Reverse transcriptase

D) RNA polymerase


At what CD4+ T cell count is a person diagnosed with AIDS?

A) Below 500 cells/µL

B) Below 350 cells/µL

C) Below 200 cells/µL

D) Below 100 cells/µL


Which phase of HIV infection is characterized by flu-like symptoms?

A) Acute phase

B) Chronic phase

C) Latent phase

D) AIDS phase


What is the role of the enzyme integrase in HIV replication?

A) Converts RNA to DNA

B) Integrates viral DNA into the host genome

C) Cleaves viral proteins

D) Assembles new viral particles


What bacterium causes syphilis?

A) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

B) Treponema pallidum

C) Chlamydia trachomatis

D) Mycoplasma genitalium


What is the primary lesion of primary syphilis called?

A) Chancre

B) Gumma

C) Condyloma

D) Papule


Which stage of syphilis is characterized by a widespread rash?

A) Primary syphilis

B) Secondary syphilis

C) Latent syphilis

D) Tertiary syphilis


What are gummas associated with?

A) Primary syphilis

B) Secondary syphilis

C) Latent syphilis

D) Tertiary syphilis


Which organ system is affected by cardiovascular syphilis?

A) Nervous system

B) Respiratory system

C) Cardiovascular system

D) Digestive system


What is the characteristic lesion of tertiary syphilis?

A) Chancre

B) Gumma

C) Condyloma

D) Papule


Which stage of syphilis can involve neurological symptoms?

A) Primary syphilis

B) Secondary syphilis

C) Latent syphilis

D) Tertiary syphilis


What is the typical site of a chancre in primary syphilis?

A) Genitals

B) Hands

C) Feet

D) Scalp


Which stage of syphilis is asymptomatic but still infectious?

A) Primary syphilis

B) Secondary syphilis

C) Latent syphilis

D) Tertiary syphilis


What is the main mode of transmission for syphilis?

A) Airborne droplets

B) Blood transfusion

C) Sexual contact

D) Contaminated food


What bacterium causes gonorrhea?

A) Treponema pallidum

B) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

C) Chlamydia trachomatis

D) Mycoplasma genitalium


Which cells are primarily infected by Neisseria gonorrhoeae?

A) Red blood cells

B) Epithelial cells

C) Neurons

D) Hepatocytes


What is a common symptom of gonorrhea in men?

A) Vaginal discharge

B) Dysuria and purulent discharge

C) Skin rash

D) Joint pain


What complication can gonorrhea cause in women?

A) Epididymitis

B) Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

C) Prostatitis

D) Orchitis


Which site can be infected by gonorrhea besides the reproductive tract?

A) Eyes

B) Ears

C) Skin

D) Liver


What is the primary method of transmission for gonorrhea?

A) Airborne droplets

B) Blood transfusion

C) Sexual contact

D) Contaminated food


What is the characteristic discharge in gonorrhea?

A) Clear and watery

B) Purulent and thick

C) Bloody

D) Frothy


Which immune cells are primarily involved in the inflammatory response to gonorrhea?

A) Lymphocytes

B) Neutrophils

C) Eosinophils

D) Basophils


What is a potential systemic complication of gonorrhea?

A) Meningitis

B) Endocarditis

C) Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI)

D) Hepatitis


What is the role of pili in Neisseria gonorrhoeaeinfection?

A) Enzyme production

B) Immune evasion

C) Attachment to epithelial cells

D) Toxin secretion


Which symptom is common in both men and women with gonorrhea?

A) Vaginal discharge

B) Dysuria

C) Skin rash

D) Joint pain


What is the primary site of infection for gonorrhea in women?

A) Urethra

B) Cervix

C) Ovaries

D) Fallopian tubes


Which diagnostic test is commonly used for gonorrhea?

A) Blood culture

B) Urine test

C) Throat swab

D) PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)


What is the typical treatment for gonorrhea?

A) Antiviral medication

B) Antibiotics

C) Antifungal medication

D) Immunotherapy


Which of the following is a preventive measure for gonorrhea?

A) Vaccination

B) Regular hand washing

C) Safe sexual practices

D) Avoiding crowded places

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