MCQ for RRB Pharmacist Exam

MCQ for RRB Pharmacist (Railway Pharmacist) Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on Pathophysiology of Asthma, Read following article for your reference.

Pathophysiology of Asthma

Which of the following cells is primarily responsible for the release of histamine in asthma?

A) Eosinophils

B) Mast Cells

C) T-lymphocytes

D) Neutrophils


What is the primary characteristic of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthma?

A) Increased mucus production

B) Increased sensitivity of airway smooth muscle to constricting stimuli

C) Thickening of the basement membrane

D) Decreased airway smooth muscle mass


Which cytokine is NOT typically associated with the Th2 response in asthma?

A) IL-4

B) IL-5

C) IL-13

D) IL-1


What is the main cause of airflow obstruction during an asthma attack?

A) Airway remodeling

B) Bronchoconstriction

C) Mucus hypersecretion

D) Subepithelial fibrosis


Which of the following is a common trigger for asthma symptoms?

A) Cold air

B) High humidity

C) Low altitude

D) Warm temperatures


What structural change is commonly seen in the airways of patients with chronic asthma?

A) Decreased smooth muscle mass

B) Thinning of the basement membrane

C) Subepithelial fibrosis

D) Reduced mucus production


Which of the following is NOT a typical clinical manifestation of asthma?

A) Wheezing

B) Shortness of breath

C) Chest tightness

D) Hemoptysis


Which type of medication is considered the cornerstone of asthma management?

A) Beta-agonists

B) Leukotriene modifiers

C) Inhaled corticosteroids

D) Anticholinergics


What is the role of eosinophils in asthma?

A) Release histamine

B) Contribute to airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness

C) Produce mucus

D) Control airway tone


Which of the following is a risk factor for developing asthma?

A) High physical activity

B) Obesity

C) Low-fat diet

D) High altitude living


What is the primary mechanism of action of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma?

A) Bronchodilation

B) Reducing airway inflammation

C) Blocking histamine receptors

D) Increasing mucus production


Which phase of the allergic reaction in asthma involves mast cell degranulation?

A) Early phase

B) Late phase

C) Chronic phase

D) Remission phase


What is the significance of airway remodeling in asthma?

A) It leads to increased mucus production

B) It results in fixed airflow obstruction

C) It reduces airway hyperresponsiveness

D) It decreases smooth muscle mass


Which of the following is a common complication of uncontrolled asthma?

A) Chronic bronchitis

B) Respiratory failure

C) Pulmonary embolism

D) Pneumothorax


Which biologic therapy targets IL-5 in the treatment of severe asthma?

A) Omalizumab

B) Mepolizumab

C) Dupilumab

D) Benralizumab


What is the primary function of beta-agonists in asthma management?

A) Reducing inflammation

B) Bronchodilation

C) Blocking leukotriene receptors

D) Increasing mucus clearance


Which of the following is NOT a typical trigger for asthma exacerbations?

A) Pollen

B) Dust mites

C) Exercise

D) High altitude


What is the role of patient education in asthma management?

A) To reduce the need for medications

B) To improve adherence to treatment and self-management

C) To eliminate the need for inhalers

D) To prevent the development of asthma


Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the late phase reaction in asthma?

A) Immediate bronchoconstriction

B) Mast cell degranulation

C) Recruitment of inflammatory cells

D) Increased mucus production


What is the primary goal of asthma management?

A) To cure asthma

B) To achieve and maintain control of symptoms

C) To reduce the need for inhaled corticosteroids

D) To eliminate all allergens

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