Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

Introduction Nucleophilic substitution occurs when the nucleophile replaces a functional group in another molecule (the electrophile). It’s like a graceful waltz where partners swap places. The term “nucleophile” literally means “nucleus-loving.” These electron-rich species seek out positively charged or electron-poor partners to bond with. The nucleophile approaches the electrophile, and they exchange a functional group. … Read more

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic non-aqueous titrations under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference. Non-aqueous Titration » PHARMACAREERS   In non-aqueous titrations, which type of solvents are commonly used as the titration medium? A) Aqueous … Read more

Stability of Conjugated Dienes

Introduction Conjugated dienes are compounds that contain two adjacent carbon-carbon double bonds. These double bonds are separated by a single carbon atom, which means they’re in a conjugated arrangement. Think of them as the cool kids of the double bond world—they hang out together and share electrons like a tight-knit group. The stabilization of dienes … Read more

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic acid base titrations under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference. Acid Base Titrations » PHARMACAREERS   Which of the following is true about acid-base indicators? A) They change color at … Read more

Elimination Reactions- E1 and E2 reactions

Introduction An elimination reactions (E1 and E2 reactions) is a type of organic reaction in which two substituents are removed from a molecule in either a one- or two-step mechanism. The one-step mechanism is known as the E2 reaction, and the two-step mechanism is known as the E1 reaction. The numbers refer not to the … Read more

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic pharmacopoeias and limit tests under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference. Impurities- It’s Sources, Types And Test Of Purity. » PHARMACAREERS   The first British Pharmacopoeia (B) was published in … Read more

Alkanes- SP3 and SP2 hybridization

Alkanes Alkanes are the saturated organic compounds which consist of single bonded carbon and hydrogen atoms. That means all atoms share only one pair of electrons with each other. The general formula for alkanes is CnH2n. Where, n is the number of atoms of carbon in their chemical structure. The simplest alkane is the methane, … Read more

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic errors under the subject Pharmaceutical analysis of first semester. Read following article for your reference. Errors In Pharmaceutical Analysis » PHARMACAREERS In the context of pharmaceutical analysis, what is the term for the difference between a measured value … Read more


Enzymes Enzymes are remarkable biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions within living organisms. These molecular workhorses are essential for processes like digestion (breaking down nutrients), energy transformation, and macromolecule synthesis. Typically composed of proteins, enzymes have specialized pockets called active sites where they interact with substrates. Examples include amylase (digests starch), DNA polymerase (involved in … Read more

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on  the subject Pharmaceutical analysis of first semester. Read following article for your reference. Definition and scope Different techniques of analysis Methods of expressing concentration Primary and secondary standards Preparation and standardization of various molar and normal solutions What is the … Read more