Pharmacy Practice MCQ

Pharmacy Practice MCQ, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Pathophysiology of diseases of Endocrine System. Read following article for your reference.

Pathophysiology of Endocrine System Diseases

Which cells are destroyed in Type 1 diabetes?

  1. A) Alpha cells
  2. B) Beta cells
  3. C) Delta cells
  4. D) Gamma cells


What is a common trigger for the autoimmune response in Type 1 diabetes?

  1. A) Bacterial infection
  2. B) Viral infection
  3. C) Fungal infection
  4. D) Parasitic infection


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Type 1 diabetes?

  1. A) Polyuria
  2. B) Polydipsia
  3. C) Polyphagia
  4. D) Weight gain


What characterizes Type 2 diabetes?

  1. A) Insulin resistance
  2. B) Insulin deficiency
  3. C) Both A and B
  4. D) Neither A nor B


Which factor is most associated with the development of insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetes?

  1. A) Underweight
  2. B) Central obesity
  3. C) High protein diet
  4. D) Low carbohydrate diet


Which of the following is a long-term complication of diabetes?

  1. A) Retinopathy
  2. B) Nephropathy
  3. C) Neuropathy
  4. D) All of the above


What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism?

  1. A) Graves’ disease
  2. B) Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  3. C) Toxic nodular goiter
  4. D) Excessive iodine intake


Which hormone levels are reduced in hypothyroidism?

  1. A) TSH
  2. B) T3 and T4
  3. C) ACTH
  4. D) Cortisol


Which symptom is NOT associated with hypothyroidism?

  1. A) Fatigue
  2. B) Weight gain
  3. C) Heat intolerance
  4. D) Bradycardia


What is a potential severe complication of untreated hypothyroidism?

  1. A) Thyroid storm
  2. B) Myxedema coma
  3. C) Osteoporosis
  4. D) Hypercalcemia


What is the primary cause of Graves’ disease?

  1. A) Autoimmune response
  2. B) Iodine deficiency
  3. C) Viral infection
  4. D) Genetic mutation


Which symptom is commonly seen in hyperthyroidism?

  1. A) Weight loss
  2. B) Cold intolerance
  3. C) Bradycardia
  4. D) Constipation


What is a life-threatening complication of hyperthyroidism?

  1. A) Myxedema coma
  2. B) Thyroid storm
  3. C) Addisonian crisis
  4. D) Cushing’s syndrome


Which condition is characterized by hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance?

  1. A) Hypogonadism
  2. B) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  3. C) Addison’s disease
  4. D) Cushing’s syndrome


Which symptom is NOT associated with PCOS?

  1. A) Irregular menstrual cycles
  2. B) Hirsutism
  3. C) Acne
  4. D) Hyperpigmentation


What is a common complication of PCOS?

  1. A) Type 2 diabetes
  2. B) Hyperthyroidism
  3. C) Addison’s disease
  4. D) Hypoparathyroidism


What is the primary cause of primary hypogonadism?

  1. A) Pituitary dysfunction
  2. B) Testicular or ovarian failure
  3. C) Hypothalamic dysfunction
  4. D) Adrenal insufficiency


Which hormone is reduced in male hypogonadism?

  1. A) Estrogen
  2. B) Progesterone
  3. C) Testosterone
  4. D) Cortisol


Which symptom is NOT associated with male hypogonadism?

  1. A) Decreased libido
  2. B) Erectile dysfunction
  3. C) Gynecomastia
  4. D) Hirsutism


Which symptom is commonly seen in female hypogonadism?

  1. A) Irregular menstrual cycles
  2. B) Increased muscle mass
  3. C) Hyperpigmentation
  4. D) Tachycardia


What is a long-term complication of untreated hypogonadism?

  1. A) Osteoporosis
  2. B) Hyperthyroidism
  3. C) Addison’s disease
  4. D) Cushing’s syndrome


Which gland is primarily responsible for regulating metabolism?

  1. A) Pituitary gland
  2. B) Thyroid gland
  3. C) Adrenal gland
  4. D) Pancreas


Which hormone is primarily involved in glucose uptake by cells?

  1. A) Glucagon
  2. B) Insulin
  3. C) Cortisol
  4. D) Adrenaline


Which condition is characterized by excessive thyroid hormone production?

  1. A) Hypothyroidism
  2. B) Hyperthyroidism
  3. C) Addison’s disease
  4. D) Cushing’s syndrome


Which hormone is deficient in Addison’s disease?

  1. A) Cortisol
  2. B) Thyroxine
  3. C) Insulin
  4. D) Testosterone


Which hormone is primarily involved in the stress response?

  1. A) Insulin
  2. B) Cortisol
  3. C) Thyroxine
  4. D) Estrogen


Which condition is associated with insulin resistance?

  1. A) Type 1 diabetes
  2. B) Type 2 diabetes
  3. C) Addison’s disease
  4. D) Hypothyroidism


Which hormone is produced by the adrenal medulla?

  1. A) Cortisol
  2. B) Aldosterone
  3. C) Adrenaline
  4. D) Thyroxine


Which condition is characterized by low levels of sex hormones?

  1. A) Hyperthyroidism
  2. B) Hypogonadism
  3. C) Cushing’s syndrome
  4. D) Addison’s disease


Which hormone regulates calcium levels in the blood?

  1. A) Insulin
  2. B) Parathyroid hormone
  3. C) Cortisol
  4. D) Thyroxine


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