Pharmacy Practice MCQ

Pharmacy Practice MCQ, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Pathophysiology of diseases of Gastrointestinal System. Read following article for your reference.

Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal System Diseases

Which bacterium is primarily associated with peptic ulcers?

a) Escherichia coli

b) Helicobacter pylori

c) Staphylococcus aureus

d) Salmonella typhi


What is a common cause of peptic ulcers besides bacterial infection?

a) Viral infection

b) Long-term use of NSAIDs

c) High-fiber diet

d) Excessive exercise


Which of the following is NOT a type of IBD?

a) Crohn’s disease

b) Ulcerative colitis

c) Irritable bowel syndrome

d) None of the above


IBD is believed to result from an inappropriate immune response to:

a) Intestinal microbiota

b) Dietary proteins

c) Environmental toxins

d) Viral infections


Jaundice is characterized by an elevated level of:

a) Hemoglobin

b) Bilirubin

c) Albumin

d) Glucose


Which of the following is NOT a cause of jaundice?

a) Hemolysis

b) Liver dysfunction

c) Bile duct obstruction

d) Hyperglycemia


Hepatitis A is primarily transmitted through:

a) Blood transfusion

b) Fecal-oral route

c) Sexual contact

d) Respiratory droplets


Which symptom is commonly associated with hepatitis A?

a) Jaundice

b) Rash

c) Cough

d) Diarrhea


Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through:

a) Contaminated water

b) Blood and bodily fluids

c) Airborne particles

d) Insect bites


Chronic hepatitis B infection can lead to:

a) Cirrhosis

b) Liver cancer

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above


Hepatitis C is primarily spread through:

a) Contaminated food

b) Blood-to-blood contact

c) Airborne transmission

d) Sexual contact


Which of the following is a potential long-term consequence of hepatitis C infection?

a) Fibrosis

b) Cirrhosis

c) Liver cancer

d) All of the above


Hepatitis D virus requires the presence of which virus for replication?

a) Hepatitis A virus

b) Hepatitis B virus

c) Hepatitis C virus

d) Hepatitis E virus


Co-infection with HBV and HDV leads to:

a) Milder liver disease

b) More severe liver disease

c) No change in disease severity

d) Complete recovery


Hepatitis E is primarily transmitted through:

a) Contaminated water

b) Blood transfusion

c) Sexual contact

d) Airborne particles


Which group is at higher risk for severe disease from hepatitis E?

a) Children

b) Pregnant women

c) Elderly men

d) Athletes


Chronic alcohol consumption leads to liver damage through:

a) Oxidative stress

b) Inflammation

c) Fibrosis

d) All of the above


Which of the following is NOT a stage of alcoholic liver disease?

a) Fatty liver

b) Hepatitis

c) Cirrhosis

d) Hepatocellular carcinoma


Which of the following is a common symptom of liver disease?

a) Jaundice

b) Hypertension

c) Hyperglycemia

d) Tachycardia


Inflammation of the liver is referred to as:

a) Hepatitis

b) Cirrhosis

c) Fibrosis

d) Steatosis


Which hepatitis virus is known for causing acute, self-limiting infections?

a) Hepatitis A

b) Hepatitis B

c) Hepatitis C

d) Hepatitis D


Which of the following conditions is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract?

a) Peptic ulcer

b) Inflammatory bowel disease

c) Jaundice

d) Hepatitis


The primary function of the gastrointestinal system is:

a) Hormone production

b) Nutrient absorption

c) Blood filtration

d) Oxygen transport


Which of the following is a common complication of chronic hepatitis B infection?

a) Diabetes

b) Liver cirrhosis

c) Kidney failure

d) Heart disease


Which hepatitis virus is most commonly associated with blood transfusions?

a) Hepatitis A

b) Hepatitis B

c) Hepatitis C

d) Hepatitis E


Which of the following is NOT a mode of transmission for hepatitis B?

a) Blood transfusion

b) Contaminated water

c) Sexual contact

d) Sharing needles


Which condition is characterized by the accumulation of fat in liver cells due to alcohol consumption?

a) Hepatitis

b) Cirrhosis

c) Fatty liver

d) Fibrosis


Which of the following is a common symptom of inflammatory bowel disease?

a) Abdominal pain

b) Skin rash

c) Cough

d) Headache


Which hepatitis virus is known to cause severe disease in pregnant women?

a) Hepatitis A

b) Hepatitis B

c) Hepatitis C

d) Hepatitis E


Which of the following is a potential outcome of untreated peptic ulcers?

a) Perforation

b) Hemorrhage

c) Gastric cancer

d) All of the above


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