Pharmacy Practice MCQ- Fungi

Pharmacy Practice MCQ, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ under subject Microbiology. Read following article for your reference.

Morphology, Classification, Reproduction/Replication And Cultivation Of Fungi » PHARMACAREERS

Fungi are primarily composed of:
a) Cells with cellulose walls
b) Cells with chitin walls
c) Cells without cell walls
d) Cells with peptidoglycan walls

The filamentous structures in fungi are called:
a) Hyphae
b) Sporangia
c) Mycelium
d) Conidia

Yeast cells are:
a) Unicellular
b) Multicellular
c) Filamentous
d) Prokaryotic

Fungi are classified into different phyla based on their:
a) Mode of reproduction
b) Cell wall composition
c) Habitat
d) Nutritional requirements

Which of the following is a major phylum of fungi?
a) Ascomycota
b) Bacteria
c) Plantae
d) Animalia

Fungi can reproduce:
a) Asexually only
b) Sexually only
c) Both asexually and sexually
d) Neither asexually nor sexually

The asexual spores produced by fungi are called:
a) Conidia
b) Ascospores
c) Basidiospores
d) Oospores

Sexual reproduction in fungi involves the fusion of:
a) Gametes
b) Hyphae
c) Spores
d) Nuclei

Fungi are often cultivated on:
a) Agar plates
b) Nutrient broth
c) Blood agar
d) MacConkey agar

The optimal temperature for the growth of most fungi is:
a) 25-30°C
b) 35-40°C
c) 45-50°C
d) 55-60°C

Fungi are generally:
a) Autotrophic
b) Heterotrophic
c) Chemoautotrophic
d) Photoautotrophic

Most fungi obtain their nutrients by:
a) Photosynthesis
b) Chemosynthesis
c) Absorption
d) Ingestion

Athlete’s foot is caused by:
a) Aspergillus
b) Candida
c) Trichophyton
d) Histoplasma

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the:
a) Skin
b) Lungs
c) Blood
d) Brain

Fungi are used in the production of:
a) Antibiotics
b) Alcohol
c) Bread
d) All of the above

Fungi are involved in the decomposition of:
a) Organic matter
b) Inorganic matter
c) Living organisms
d) All of the above

Aflatoxins are produced by:
a) Aspergillus
b) Penicillium
c) Rhizopus
d) Mucor

Ergot alkaloids are produced by:
a) Claviceps
b) Fusarium
c) Alternaria
d) Helminthosporium

Fungi are used in the production of:
a) Enzymes
b) Organic acids
c) Biofuels
d) All of the above

Genetic engineering techniques have been used to improve:
a) The yield of edible mushrooms
b) The production of antibiotics
c) The ability of fungi to degrade pollutants
d) All of the above

Fungal genomes are typically:
a) Smaller than animal genomes
b) Larger than animal genomes
c) Similar in size to animal genomes
d) Variable in size compared to animal genomes

Comparative genomics of fungi has revealed:
a) The evolutionary relationships between different fungal groups
b) The genetic basis for fungal virulence
c) The mechanisms of fungal adaptation to different environments
d) All of the above

Symbiotic relationships between fungi and plants are known as:
a) Mycorrhizae
b) Lichens
c) Parasitism
d) Commensalism

Fungi can act as:
a) Pathogens
b) Decomposers
c) Mutualists
d) All of the above

Fungi produce secondary metabolites to:
a) Obtain nutrients
b) Reproduce
c) Defend themselves against predators and pathogens
d) All of the above

Fungi can resist antifungal drugs through:
a) Efflux pumps
b) Target site mutations
c) Overexpression of drug-degrading enzymes
d) All of the above

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