Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on Special Senses- Ear, a topic under Human Anatomy and Physiology first semester. Read following article for your reference.
Special senses- Ear
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What are the two main functions of the ear?
a) Smelling and tasting
b) Hearing and balance
c) Seeing and touching
d) Eating and drinking
What is the function of the outer ear?
a) To collect sound waves and direct them into the ear canal
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To maintain balance
What are the three parts of the ear?
a) Inner, middle, and outer ear
b) Left, right, and center ear
c) Upper, middle, and lower ear
d) Front, back, and side ear
What is the function of the ossicles in the middle ear?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
c) To amplify and transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear
d) To maintain balance
What is the cochlea responsible for?
a) Amplifying sound waves
b) Collecting sound waves
c) Detecting sound waves and converting them into electrical signals
d) Maintaining balance
What is the function of the semicircular canals in the inner ear?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To maintain balance
What is tinnitus?
a) An infection in the ear
b) A condition characterized by a constant ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in the ears
c) A disorder that causes vertigo
d) A condition where the body’s immune system attacks the inner ear
What is Meniere’s disease?
a) An inner ear disorder that can cause vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss
b) A condition characterized by a constant ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in the ears
c) An infection in the ear
d) A condition where the body’s immune system attacks the inner ear
What is ear barotrauma?
a) An injury to your ear because of changes in barometric (air) or water pressure
b) An infection in the ear
c) A condition characterized by a constant ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in the ears
d) A disorder that causes vertigo
What is autoimmune inner ear disease?
a) An infection in the ear
b) A condition characterized by a constant ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in the ears
c) A disorder that causes vertigo
d) A condition where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the inner ear
Which chromosomal disorders can cause low-set ears and are associated with congenital hearing loss?
a) Down syndrome and Turner’s syndrome
b) Klinefelter syndrome and Edwards syndrome
c) Patau syndrome and Cri-du-chat syndrome
d) Jacobsen syndrome and Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
What can gestational diabetes cause in the baby?
a) Low-set ears
b) Hearing loss
c) Vertigo
d) Tinnitus
What is the function of the Eustachian tubes in the middle ear?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To equalize the air pressure in your ears
What is the function of the tympanic membrane (eardrum)?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To vibrate when sound waves hit it
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To maintain balance
What is the function of the hair cells in the cochlea?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To transform vibrations into electrical energy
d) To maintain balance
What is the function of the vestibular nerve?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To transmit information about balance to the brain
What is the function of the auditory nerve?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To transmit electrical signals to the brain
d) To maintain balance
What is the function of the brain in hearing?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To interpret electrical signals as sound
What is the function of the brain in balance?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To send signals to your muscles to help you stay balanced
What is the function of the muscles in balance?
a) To collect sound waves
b) To amplify sound waves
c) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
d) To help you stay balanced based on signals from the brain
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