Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on Cathertics topic under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Magnesium sulphate is also known as:

A) Epsom salt

B) Glauber’s salt

C) Rock salt

D) Table salt


Sodium orthophosphate acts as a cathartic by:

A) Increasing fluid absorption

B) Decreasing fluid absorption

C) Lubricating the intestine

D) Forming a protective layer


Kaolin is used in cathartic preparations primarily as a(n):

A) Adsorbent

B) Emollient

C) Osmotic agent

D) Bulk-forming agent


Bentonite is known to:

A) Absorb water and swell in the intestine

B) Act as a saline laxative

C) Stimulate bowel movements mechanically

D) Decrease bowel transit time


Which of the following is not a mechanism of action for cathartics?

A) Stimulating peristalsis

B) Drawing water into the bowel

C) Decreasing nutrient absorption

D) Binding bile acids


The primary site of action for magnesium sulphate as a cathartic is the:

A) Stomach

B) Small intestine

C) Large intestine

D) Rectum


Sodium orthophosphate cathartic preparations are contraindicated in patients with:

A) Hypertension

B) Renal insufficiency

C) Diabetes mellitus

D) Peptic ulcer disease


The therapeutic use of kaolin in diarrheal conditions is due to its:

A) Laxative effect

B) Ability to bind toxins

C) Osmotic effect

D) Stimulant effect on the gut


Bentonite’s role in cathartic preparations is enhanced by its interaction with:

A) Fatty acids

B) Proteins

C) Carbohydrates

D) Electrolytes


Magnesium sulphate’s cathartic action can be attributed to the retention of:

A) Water in the intestinal lumen by osmosis

B) Electrolytes in the blood plasma

C) Nutrients in the intestinal villi

D) Gases in the stomach


Which cathartic agent is known to increase water content in feces by osmotic action?

A) Magnesium sulphate

B) Sodium orthophosphate

C) Kaolin

D) Bentonite


Chronic use of which cathartic can lead to significant electrolyte imbalance?

A) Magnesium sulphate

B) Sodium orthophosphate

C) Kaolin

D) Bentonite


The use of sodium orthophosphate as a cathartic is most likely to interfere with the absorption of:

A) Iron

B) Calcium

C) Vitamins

D) Proteins


Kaolin’s mechanism of action as an adsorbent is due to its:

A) High surface area

B) Low pH

C) Solubility in water

D) Enzymatic activity


Bentonite is often combined with psyllium husk in cathartic preparations to:

A) Enhance bulk-forming action

B) Increase osmotic effect

C) Provide lubrication

D) Stimulate peristalsis


The presence of sulfate ions in magnesium sulfate cathartics primarily:

A) Stimulates peristalsis

B) Increases osmotic pressure

C) Reduces intestinal pH

D) Enhances nutrient absorption


Sodium orthophosphate is less likely to be used in patients with:

A) Constipation

B) Hyperphosphatemia

C) Hypokalemia

D) Hypernatremia


Kaolin’s effectiveness as an antidiarrheal is reduced when taken with:

A) Antacids

B) Proton pump inhibitors

C) H2 receptor antagonists

D) Antibiotics


Bentonite’s ability to bind other drugs can lead to:

A) Increased drug absorption

B) Decreased drug absorption

C) Altered drug metabolism

D) Enhanced drug excretion


The use of magnesium sulfate as a cathartic is contraindicated in patients with:

A) Diarrhea

B) Renal failure

C) Hypertension

D) Gastroenteritis


Sodium orthophosphate can cause hypernatremia due to:

A) Excessive sodium absorption

B) Inadequate sodium excretion

C) Both A and B

D) Neither A nor B


Kaolin, when used in combination with pectin, acts to:

A) Increase bowel movements

B) Decrease bowel movements

C) Neutralize stomach acid

D) Bind dietary fats


Bentonite is primarily composed of:

A) Calcium aluminum silicate

B) Magnesium aluminum silicate

C) Sodium potassium silicate

D) Aluminum potassium sulfate


The laxative effect of magnesium sulfate is potentiated by the presence of:

A) Calcium ions

B) Potassium ions

C) Sodium ions

D) Hydrogen ions


Sodium orthophosphate’s cathartic action is inhibited by the concurrent use of:

A) Diuretics

B) Antihypertensives

C) Calcium supplements

D) Antidiabetic drugs


The adsorptive capacity of kaolin is diminished by the presence of:

A) Dietary fiber

B) Fatty acids

C) Proteins

D) Minerals


The therapeutic effect of sodium orthophosphate as a cathartic is primarily due to its:

A) Ability to soften stool

B) Osmotic effect in the intestines

C) Stimulatory effect on the enteric nervous system

D) Inhibition of water reabsorption in the kidneys


Kaolin’s use in cathartic formulations is contraindicated in patients with:

A) Hemorrhoids

B) Irritable bowel syndrome

C) Intestinal obstruction

D) Ulcerative colitis


Bentonite’s cathartic action can be enhanced by combining it with:

A) Antispasmodics

B) Antiflatulents

C) Sorbitol

D) Probiotics


Magnesium sulfate, when used excessively as a cathartic, can lead to:

A) Metabolic alkalosis

B) Metabolic acidosis

C) Hypercalcemia

D) Hypermagnesemia

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