Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on  following topics under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Expectorants » PHARMACAREERS



Poison And Antidotes » PHARMACAREERS



Potassium iodide is used as an expectorant because it:

A) Reduces cough reflex

B) Thins mucus secretions

C) Suppresses mucus production

D) Induces coughing


Ammonium chloride acts as an expectorant by:

A) Increasing pH of bronchial secretions

B) Decreasing pH of bronchial secretions

C) Stimulating gastric secretions

D) Suppressing gastric secretions


The primary action of copper sulfate as an emetic is to:

A) Irritate the gastric lining

B) Stimulate the vomiting center in the brain

C) Increase saliva production

D) Relax the esophageal sphincter


Sodium potassium tartrate induces vomiting by:

A) Causing local irritation to the stomach

B) Decreasing stomach motility

C) Blocking neurotransmitter receptors

D) Inducing metabolic alkalosis


Ferrous sulfate is prescribed as a haematinic to treat:

A) Vitamin B12 deficiency

B) Folic acid deficiency

C) Iron-deficiency anemia

D) Hemolytic anemia


Ferrous gluconate is preferred over ferrous sulfate for some patients because it:

B) Has fewer gastrointestinal side effects

C) Is absorbed more quickly

D) Contains more elemental iron


Sodium thiosulphate is used as an antidote for poisoning by:

A) Heavy metals

B) Cyanide

C) Carbon monoxide

D) Organophosphates


Activated charcoal works as an antidote by:

A) Inducing vomiting

B) Neutralizing the poison chemically

C) Preventing the absorption of the poison

D) Acting as an antidote to a specific poison


Sodium nitrite is used as an antidote in cases of cyanide poisoning because it:

A) Induces methemoglobin formation

B) Competes with cyanide for binding sites

C) Enhances cyanide excretion

D) Directly neutralizes cyanide


Zinc sulfate is used as an astringent due to its ability to:

A) Coagulate proteins

B) Reduce inflammation

C) Act as an antiseptic

D) All of the above


Potash alum works as an astringent by:

A) Dehydrating tissues

B) Precipitating proteins

C) Reducing capillary permeability

D) Constricting blood vessels


The therapeutic use of potassium iodide includes treatment of:

A) Hyperthyroidism

B) Hypothyroidism

C) Thyroid storm

D) All of the above

Ammonium chloride can be contraindicated in patients with:

A) Liver disease

B) Renal disease

C) Heart disease

D) Lung disease


Copper sulfate should not be used as an emetic in cases of:

A) Alkali ingestion

B) Acid ingestion

C) Petroleum product ingestion

D) Food poisoning


Sodium potassium tartrate is also known as:

A) Cream of tartar

B) Rochelle salt

C) Epsom salt

D) Baking soda


What is the primary purpose of hematinics?

– A. To treat bacterial infections

– B. To enhance blood circulation

– C. To increase hemoglobin production

– D. To relieve pain


Which of the following compounds is widely used as a hematinic?

– A. Ferrous fumarate

– B. Ferrous sulfate

– C. Ferrous gluconate

– D. All of the above



What percentage of elemental iron does ferrous sulfate contain by weight?

– A. 12%

– B. 20%

– C. 30%

– D. 40%


Which of the following iron supplements has less side effects compared to other salts?

– A. Ferrous fumarate

– B. Ferrous sulfate

– C. Ferrous gluconate

– D. Ferrous succinate


What is the standard molecular weight of ferrous gluconate?

– A. 446.1 g/mol

– B. 500.2 g/mol

– C. 550.3 g/mol

– D. 600.4 g/mol


Which iron compound is estimated by cerrimetry or permanganometry?

– A. Ferrous sulfate

– B. Ferrous gluconate

– C. Ferrous fumarate

– D. Ferrous succinate


True or False: Ferrous gluconate provides a source of bioavailable iron to support the synthesis of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

A) True

B) False


What is the primary route of administration for iron replacement therapy?

– A. Intravenous (IV)

– B. Oral

– C. Subcutaneous

– D. Intramuscular (IM)


Which iron supplement is used in patients with iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic kidney disease?

– A. Ferrous sulfate

– B. Ferrous gluconate

– C. Ferumoxytol (feraheme)

– D. Ferrous fumarate


What is the recommended duration of iron replacement therapy after correcting iron deficiency?

– A. 1 month

– B. 3-6 months

– C. 12 months

– D. Indefinitely

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