Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on Nervous System, a topic under Human Anatomy and Physiology first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Nervous system

What is the primary function of the nervous system?

– A) Digestion

– B) Circulation

– C) Communication

– D) Respiration


The central nervous system consists of:

– A) The heart and blood vessels

– B) The brain and spinal cord

– C) The lungs and airways

– D) The stomach and intestines


Which type of neuron transmits signals away from the central nervous system?

– A) Sensory Neuron

– B) Motor Neuron

– C) Interneuron

– D) Glial Cell


What is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain?

– A) Dopamine

– B) Serotonin


– D) Glutamate


The myelin sheath is important because it:

– A) Slows down nerve impulses

– B) Helps neurons absorb nutrients

– C) Increases the speed of nerve impulses

– D) Prevents neurons from generating electrical signals


Which cells produce the myelin sheath in the central nervous system?

– A) Astrocytes

– B) Oligodendrocytes

– C) Schwann Cells

– D) Microglia


What is the gap between two neurons called?

– A) Axon Hillock

– B) Synaptic Cleft

– C) Dendritic Spine

– D) Myelin Gap


Which part of the neuron receives incoming signals from other neurons?

– A) Axon

– B) Dendrites

– C) Cell Body

– D) Axon Terminals


What is the resting membrane potential of a typical neuron?

– A) +30 mV

– B) 0 mV

– C) -70 mV

– D) -55 mV


An action potential is initiated when a neuron’s membrane potential reaches:

– A) -90 mV

– B) -70 mV

– C) -55 mV

– D) +30 mV


The process by which neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft is called:

– A) Osmosis

– B) Diffusion

– C) Exocytosis

– D) Endocytosis


Which type of receptor detects light?

– A) Mechanoreceptor

– B) Thermoreceptor

– C) Nociceptor

– D) Photoreceptor


What is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain?

– A) Acetylcholine

– B) Dopamine


– D) Norepinephrine


The all-or-none principle is associated with:

– A) Synaptic transmission

– B) Action potentials

– C) Neurotransmitter release

– D) Receptor binding


Which type of glial cell acts as the brain’s immune cells?

– A) Astrocytes

– B) Oligodendrocytes

– C) Schwann Cells

– D) Microglia


What is the term for the ability of the nervous system to change in response to experience or the environment?

– A) Neuroplasticity

– B) Neurotransmission

– C) Neurogenesis

– D) Neuronal migration


Which part of the nervous system controls voluntary movements?

– A) Autonomic Nervous System

– B) Central Nervous System

– C) Peripheral Nervous System

– D) Somatic Nervous System


The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are part of the:

– A) Central Nervous System

– B) Somatic Nervous System

– C) Autonomic Nervous System

– D) Peripheral Nervous System


Which neurotransmitter is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward?

– A) Serotonin

– B) Dopamine


– D) Glutamate


What is the term for the conversion of a stimulus into an electrical signal by a receptor?

– A) Transcription

– B) Translation

– C) Transduction

– D) Transmission


Which of the following is a peptide neurotransmitter?

– A) Acetylcholine

– B) Dopamine

– C) Endorphins

– D) Serotonin


The nodes of Ranvier are found in:

– A) Unmyelinated axons

– B) Dendrites

– C) Myelinated axons

– D) Cell bodies


What is the main role of astrocytes in the central nervous system?

– A) Producing myelin

– B) Engulfing pathogens

– C) Supporting neurons

– D) Transmitting nerve impulses


Which type of sensory receptor would you expect to be most abundant in the fingertips?

– A) Thermoreceptors

– B) Nociceptors

– C) Mechanoreceptors

– D) Chemoreceptors


The process by which neurotransmitters are taken back into the presynaptic neuron is called:

– A) Reuptake

– B) Retrograde transport

– C) Degradation

– D) Recycling


Which part of the neuron integrates signals from multiple synapses?

– A) Axon Hillock

– B) Dendritic Tree

– C) Cell Body

– D) Axon Terminals


What is the term for the minimum level of stimulus required to trigger an action potential?

– A) Threshold

– B) Peak

– C) Plateau

– D) Baseline


Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system?

– A) Regulating digestion

– B) Producing hormones

– C) Sensing environmental changes

– D) Coordinating muscle movements


The blood-brain barrier is primarily maintained by which type of cell?

– A) Microglia

– B) Astrocytes

– C) Oligodendrocytes

– D) Ependymal cells


What is the term for the brief period after an action potential during which a neuron cannot fire another action potential?

– A) Refractory Period

– B) Resting Period

– C) Recovery Period

– D) Recharging Period

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