Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on  the subject Pharmaceutical analysis of first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Definition and scope

Different techniques of analysis

Methods of expressing concentration

Primary and secondary standards

Preparation and standardization of various molar and normal solutions

What is the primary goal of pharmaceutical analysis?

A) Identifying substances

B) Determining molecular structures

C) Investigating drug combinations

D) All of the above


Which type of chromatography separates components based on size, charge, or hydrophobicity?

A) Ion exchange chromatography

B) Surface adsorption chromatography

C) Partition chromatography

D) Size exclusion chromatography


Which technique involves measuring the volume of a titrant that reacts stoichiometrically with the analyte?

A) Spectrophotometry

B) Titrimetry

C) Chromatography

D) Mass spectrometry


Raw materials analysis in pharmaceuticals focuses on:

A) Assessing the quality of finished products

B) Evaluating the safety of drug formulations

C) Ensuring the purity of ingredients

D) Investigating drug interactions


Which of the following is NOT a titrimetric technique?

A) Acid-base titration

B) Redox titration

C) Complexometric titration

D) Gas chromatography


Pharmaceutical analysis covers substances from various sources, including:

A) Animals

B) Plants

C) Minerals

D) All of the above


To become a Pharmaceutical Analyst, knowledge in which of the following areas is essential?

A) Biology

B) Chemistry

C) Physics

D) All of the above


What is the normality of lead (II) nitrate if the density of its 26% (w/w) aqueous solution is 3.105 g/mL? Take the molar mass of lead (II) nitrate to be 331 g/mol.

A) 2.437 N

B) 4.878 N

C) 0.243 N

D) 0.488 N


What is the mole fraction of glycerin (C3H5(OH)3) in a solution containing 33 g of glycerin, 60 g of isopropyl alcohol, and the rest water?

A) 0.359

B) 0.258

C) 0.205

D) 0.480


If a urea (NH2CONH2) contains 45% (by mass) N2, what is the actual urea content in the sample?

A) 103.7 kg

B) 96.4 kg

C) 9.65 kg

D) 10.4 kg


Iron (III) oxide chunks contain 80 ppm silica (SiO2). What is the concentration of this impurity in mass%?

A) 0.008%

B) 0.080%

C) 0.800%

D) 8.000%


Consider 100 mL of a 0.3 molar solution formed by dissolving 3.33 g of XCl2 in water. What is the molar mass of element X? (Atomic mass of Cl = 35.5)

A) 9

B) 24

C) 40

D) 87


What is the molality of a dilute aqueous 0.02 N H3PO4 solution?

A) 0.0050

B) 0.0200

C) 0.00330

D) 0.0067


Calculate the volume (mL) of concentrated acid required to prepare 500 mL of a 0.25 N HCl solution from concentrated stock HCl solution (specific gravity = 1.19) and 37.2% (by mass).

A) 12.128 mL

B) 20.613 mL

C) 10.307 mL

D) 24.256 mL


What is the primary purpose of standardizing a solution?

A) To determine its color

B) To improve its stability

C) To accurately determine its concentration

D) To make it more reactive


Which of the following substances is commonly used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations?

A) Oxalic acid (C2H2O4)

B) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

C) Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

D) Potassium permanganate (KMnO4)


What is the molarity of a 15 mL, 2 M aqueous solution when 285 mL of water is added to it?

A) 0.400 M

B) 0.100 M

C) 0.111 M

D) 0.105 M


Which of the following indicators is commonly used in acid-base titrations?

A) Methyl orange

B) Phenolphthalein

C) Bromothymol blue

D) Litmus


What is the molality of a dilute aqueous 0.02 N H3PO4 solution?

A) 0.0050

B) 0.0200

C) 0.00330

D) 0.0067


What is the normality of lead (II) nitrate if the density of its 26% (w/w) aqueous solution is 3.105 g/mL? Take the molar mass of lead (II) nitrate to be 331 g/mol.

A) 2.437 N

B) 4.878 N

C) 0.243 N

D) 0.488 N


Which type of chromatography separates components based on size, charge, or hydrophobicity?

A) Ion exchange chromatography

B) Surface adsorption chromatography

C) Partition chromatography

D) Size exclusion chromatography


What is the molar fraction of glycerin (C3H5(OH)3) in a solution containing 33 g of glycerin, 60 g of isopropyl alcohol, and the rest water?

A) 0.359

B) 0.258

C) 0.205

D) 0.480


Which of the following is NOT a primary standard for standardizing sodium thiosulphate?

A) Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

B) Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

C) Mercuric oxide (HgO)

D) Tri-hydroxymethylamino-methane


What is the purpose of using an indicator in a titration?

A) To detect the endpoint

B) To enhance the color change

C) To stabilize the solution

D) To prevent precipitation


Which of the following substances is commonly used as a primary standard for acid-base titrations?

A) Oxalic acid (C2H2O4)

B) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

C) Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

D) Potassium permanganate (KMnO4)


What is the purpose of standardizing a solution?

A) To determine its concentration accurately

B) To make it more stable

C) To increase its reactivity

D) To improve its color


Which of the following is NOT a primary standard for standardizing sodium thiosulphate?

A) Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

B) Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

C) Mercuric oxide (HgO)

D) Tri-hydroxymethylamino-methane


In the standardization of sodium thiosulphate, what is the role of starch indicator?

A) To detect the endpoint

B) To enhance the color change

C) To stabilize the solution

D) To prevent precipitation


Which of the following reactions represents the standardization of hydrochloric acid (HCl) using sodium hydroxide (NaOH)?

A) HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

B) NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

C) HCl + NaOH → NaCl + O2

D) NaOH + HCl → NaCl + O2

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