Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic errors under the subject Pharmaceutical analysis of first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Errors In Pharmaceutical Analysis » PHARMACAREERS

In the context of pharmaceutical analysis, what is the term for the difference between a measured value and the true or accepted value?

A) Precision

B) Error

C) Accuracy

D) Tolerance


Which of the following statements about systematic errors is true?

A) They can be reduced through repeated measurements.

B) They are random and unpredictable.

C) They result from fluctuations in environmental conditions.

D) They do not affect the accuracy of measurements.


What type of error occurs when a pharmaceutical analyst consistently misreads the meniscus while measuring the volume of a solution in a graduated cylinder?

A) Systematic error

B) Random error

C) Instrumental error

D) Human error


In pharmaceutical analysis, which term describes the degree of closeness between a measured value and the true or accepted value?

A) Precision

B) Error

C) Accuracy

D) Tolerance


Which of the following is an example of a random error in pharmaceutical analysis?

A) Calibrating an analytical balance incorrectly

B) Mislabeling reagent bottles

C) Variability in temperature during a titration

D) Inconsistent technique in weighing samples


When performing measurements in pharmaceutical analysis, which of the following is a method to minimize systematic errors?

A) Conduct measurements in varying environmental conditions.

B) Use instruments that are not properly calibrated.

C) Perform measurements only once to save time.

D) Calibrate instruments regularly and consistently.


How are significant figures used to convey the precision of a measurement?

A) The more significant figures, the lower the precision.

B) Significant figures indicate the accuracy, not precision.

C) The more significant figures, the higher the precision.

D) Significant figures have no relation to precision.


In pharmaceutical analysis, if a balance is accurate to the nearest 0.1 mg (milligram), how many significant figures are there in a measurement of 2.35 mg?

A) 1 significant figure

B) 2 significant figures

C) 3 significant figures

D) 4 significant figures


Which of the following best represents the concept of precision in measurement?

A) Consistency in repeated measurements

B) The absolute value of an error

C) The closeness to the true value

D) The range of possible values


What type of error occurs due to limitations in the measuring instrument itself?

A) Systematic error

B) Random error

C) Instrumental error

D) Human error


Which of the following methods can help minimize systematic errors in pharmaceutical analysis?

A) Using instruments without calibration

B) Conducting measurements in varying environmental conditions

C) Calibrating instruments regularly and consistently

D) Performing measurements only once to save time


What type of error occurs when a pharmaceutical analyst consistently misreads the meniscus while measuring the volume of a solution in a graduated cylinder?

A) Systematic error

B) Random error

C) Instrumental error

D) Human error


To improve precision, one should:

A) Use instruments with wider measurement ranges

B) Increase the number of significant figures

C) Repeat measurements and calculate the average

D) Ignore random errors


Which term describes the degree of closeness between a measured value and the true or accepted value?

A) Precision

B) Error

C) Accuracy

D) Tolerance


What is the purpose of using significant figures in conveying measurement precision?

A) To indicate the accuracy

B) To enhance the color change

C) To specify the closeness of measurements

D) To prevent precipitation


Which of the following best represents the concept of precision in measurement?

A) Consistency in repeated measurements

B) The absolute value of an error

C) The range of possible values

D) The closeness to the true value


What type of error occurs due to limitations in the measuring instrument itself?

A) Systematic error

B) Random error

C) Instrumental error

D) Human error


Which of the following statements about systematic errors is true?

A) They can be reduced through repeated measurements.

B) They are random and unpredictable.

C) They result from fluctuations in environmental conditions.

D) They do not affect the accuracy of measurements.


In pharmaceutical analysis, if a balance is accurate to the nearest 0.1 mg (milligram), how many significant figures are there in a measurement of 2.35 mg?

A) 1 significant figure

B) 2 significant figures

C) 3 significant figures

D) 4 significant figures


What is the term used to specify the closeness of two or more measurements?

A) Precision

B) Error

C) Accuracy

D) Tolerance


What is the term for the difference between a measured value and the true or accepted value in pharmaceutical analysis?

A) Precision

B) Error

C) Accuracy

D) Tolerance


Which of the following statements about systematic errors is true?

A) They can be reduced through repeated measurements.

B) They are random and unpredictable.

C) They result from fluctuations in environmental conditions.

D) They do not affect the accuracy of measurements.


What type of error occurs when a pharmaceutical analyst consistently misreads the meniscus while measuring the volume of a solution in a graduated cylinder?

A) Systematic error

B) Random error

C) Instrumental error

D) Human error


In pharmaceutical analysis, which term describes the degree of closeness between a measured value and the true or accepted value?

A) Precision

B) Error

C) Accuracy

D) Tolerance


How are significant figures used to convey the precision of a measurement?

A) The more significant figures, the lower the precision.

B) Significant figures indicate the accuracy, not precision.

C) The more significant figures, the higher the precision.

D) Significant figures have no relation to precision.


What is the purpose of using significant figures in conveying measurement precision?

A) To indicate the accuracy

B) To specify the closeness of measurements

C) To prevent precipitation

D) To enhance the color change


If a balance is accurate to the nearest 0.1 mg (milligram), how many significant figures are there in a measurement of 2.35 mg?

A) 1 significant figure

B) 2 significant figures

C) 3 significant figures

D) 4 significant figures


Which of the following best represents the concept of precision in measurement?

A) Consistency in repeated measurements

B) The absolute value of an error

C) The range of possible values

D) The closeness to the true value


What type of error occurs due to limitations in the measuring instrument itself?

A) Systematic error

B) Random error

C) Instrumental error

D) Human error


Which of the following terms refers to the average of a set of measurements?

A) Precision

B) Accuracy

C) Error

D) Tolerance


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