Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic pharmacopoeias and limit tests under the subject Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry of first semester. Read following article for your reference.

Impurities- It’s Sources, Types And Test Of Purity. » PHARMACAREERS


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The first British Pharmacopoeia (B) was published in which year?

A) 1864

B) 1865

C) 1867

D) 1869


When did the process of publishing the first Indian Pharmacopoeia start?

A) 1945

B) 1944

C) 1946

D) 1943


Who chaired the committee responsible for publishing the first Indian Pharmacopoeia?

A) Col. R. N. Chopra

B) Dr. B. N. Ghosh

C) Dr. B. Mukherji

D) Dr. Nityanand


Which act serves as the basis for publishing the Indian Pharmacopoeia?

A) Drugs and Cosmetics Acts 1940

B) Dangerous Drugs Act 1930

C) Poisons Act 1919

D) All of the above


In which year was the fifth edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia published?

A) 2007

B) 2006

C) 2005

D) 2008


What does the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission publish based on the Dangerous Drugs Act 1930?

A) Indian Pharmacopoeia

B) British Pharmacopoeia

C) United States Pharmacopoeia

D) National Formulary


Which edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia was published under the chairmanship of Dr. Nityanand?

A) Fourth edition

B) Fifth edition

C) Sixth edition

D) Seventh edition


What does IP stand for in the context of pharmacopoeias?

A) Indian Pharmacopoeia

B) International Pharmacopoeia

C) Irish Pharmacopoeia

D) Indonesian Pharmacopoeia


Which pharmacopoeia includes monographs for pharmaceutical substances used in India?

A) IP (Indian Pharmacopoeia)

B) BP (British Pharmacopoeia)

C) USP (United States Pharmacopeia)

D) EP (European Pharmacopoeia)


What is the primary purpose of a pharmacopoeia?

A) To regulate the pharmaceutical industry

B) To provide standards for drug quality and safety

C) To promote herbal medicine

D) To enforce patent laws


Which of the following is NOT a common source of impurities in medicinal agents?

A) Manufacturing processes

B) Environmental contaminants

C) Intentional additives

D) Storage conditions


In the context of pharmacopoeias, what does “USP” stand for?

A) United States Pharmacology

B) Universal Standard Procedure

C) United States Pharmacopeia

D) Uniform Substance Protocol


When conducting a limit test for a specific impurity in a pharmaceutical substance, what is the primary purpose of the test?

A) To determine the total impurity content

B) To identify the impurity’s chemical structure

C) To quantify the impurity at or below a specified level

D) To establish the impurity’s therapeutic value


In the context of limit tests for impurities, what is the acceptance criterion typically based on?

A) The impurity’s pharmacological effects

B) The impurity’s color and odor

C) The impurity’s presence in natural sources

D) The impurity’s potential toxicity and safety concerns


Which of the following statements about limit tests for impurities is accurate?

A) Limit tests are used to detect all possible impurities in a sample.

B) Limit tests involve analyzing impurities at concentrations higher than the acceptance criteria.

C) Limit tests are a qualitative analysis technique.

D) Limit tests are primarily used for assessing drug efficacy.


In pharmaceutical analysis, what is the primary purpose of limit tests for heavy metals?

A) To assess the solubility of heavy metals in pharmaceuticals

B) To identify heavy metal impurities based on their color

C) To ensure that heavy metal impurities are within safe limits

D) To determine the chemical structure of heavy metal impurities


What is the primary objective of conducting limit tests for organic impurities in medicinal agents?

A) To determine the chemical structure of the impurities

B) To identify impurities based on their color and odor

C) To quantify impurities at or below specified levels

D) To assess the solubility of organic impurities


Which of the following is a common source of impurities during the manufacturing process of pharmaceuticals?

A) Intentional additives

B) Starting materials

C) Environmental contaminants

D) Proper storage conditions


What is the primary purpose of a pharmacopoeia in the field of pharmaceutical analysis?

A) To establish dosage recommendations for specific drugs

B) To provide a comprehensive list of all available medications

C) To set standards for the quality and purity of pharmaceutical substances

D) To outline regulatory procedures for clinical trials


Which type of impurity is intentionally added during the manufacturing process to achieve specific properties or effects in a medicinal agent?

A) Inorganic impurity

B) Organic impurity

C) Elemental impurity

D) Intentional additive


What is the primary purpose of a pharmacopoeia in the field of pharmaceutical analysis?

A) To establish dosage recommendations for specific drugs

B) To provide a comprehensive list of all available medications

C) To set standards for the quality and purity of pharmaceutical substances

D) To outline regulatory procedures for clinical trials


In the context of pharmacopoeias, what does “USP” stand for?

A) United States Pharmacology

B) Universal Standard Procedure

C) United States Pharmacopeia

D) Uniform Substance Protocol


Which of the following is NOT a common source of impurities in medicinal agents?

A) Manufacturing processes

B) Environmental contaminants

C) Intentional additives

D) Storage conditions


When conducting a limit test for a specific impurity in a pharmaceutical substance, what is the primary purpose of the test?

A) To determine the total impurity content

B) To identify the impurity’s chemical structure

C) To quantify the impurity at or below a specified level

D) To establish the impurity’s therapeutic value


In the context of limit tests for impurities, what is the acceptance criterion typically based on?

A) The impurity’s pharmacological effects

B) The impurity’s color and odor

C) The impurity’s presence in natural sources

D) The impurity’s potential toxicity and safety concerns


Which of the following statements about limit tests for impurities is accurate?

A) Limit tests are used to detect all possible impurities in a sample.

B) Limit tests involve analyzing impurities at concentrations higher than the acceptance criteria.

C) Limit tests are a qualitative analysis technique.

D) Limit tests are primarily used for assessing drug efficacy.


In pharmaceutical analysis, what is the primary purpose of limit tests for heavy metals?

A) To assess the solubility of heavy metals in pharmaceuticals

B) To identify heavy metal impurities based on their color

C) To ensure that heavy metal impurities are within safe limits

D) To determine the chemical structure of heavy metal impurities


Which type of impurity is intentionally added during the manufacturing process to achieve specific properties or effects in a medicinal agent?

A) Inorganic impurity

B) Organic impurity

C) Elemental impurity

D) Intentional additive


What is the principle of the limit test for chloride using silver nitrate?

A) Chloride ions form a white precipitate with silver nitrate.

B) Chloride ions form a yellow precipitate with silver nitrate.

C) Chloride ions form a red precipitate with silver nitrate.

D) Chloride ions form a black precipitate with silver nitrate.


In limit tests for impurities, what is the primary goal when comparing the sample’s impurity concentration to the acceptance criteria?

A) To identify the impurity’s chemical structure

B) To determine the impurity’s therapeutic value

C) To assess the potential safety risks associated with the impurity

D) To ensure that the impurity is within specified limits


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