Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Alkane, Alkene and Conjugated Dienes under the subject Pharmaceutical organic chemistry of second semester. Read following article for your reference.

Alkane, Alkene And Conjugated Dienes » PHARMACAREERS



Which hydrocarbons belong to the alkane family?

A) Alkenes

B) Alkynes

C) Alkanes

D) Aromatics


What is the general formula for alkanes?

A) CₙH₂ₙ

B) CₙH₂ₙ₊₁

C) CₙH₂ₙ₊₂

D) CₙH₂ₙ₋₂


Which geometric shape results from sp³ hybridization around a carbon atom?

A) Linear

B) Trigonal planar

C) Tetrahedral

D) Octahedral


How many sigma (σ) bonds can a carbon atom form after sp³ hybridization?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4


What do we call the process of formation of four equivalent orbitals from hybridization?

A) sp² hybridization

B) sp³ hybridization

C) sp hybridization

D) d²sp³ hybridization


Which of the following is an alkyl halide?

A) CH₄

B) CH₃Cl

C) C₂H₆

D) C₃H₈


What is meant by incomplete combustion?

A) A combustion reaction with excess oxygen

B) A combustion reaction producing only carbon dioxide

C) A combustion reaction releasing less energy

D) A combustion reaction releasing carbon monoxide


Arrange n-pentane, iso-pentane, and neopentane in decreasing order of their boiling points.

A) n-pentane > iso-pentane > neopentane

B) iso-pentane > n-pentane > neopentane

C) neopentane > iso-pentane > n-pentane

D) neopentane > n-pentane > iso-pentane


What is the bond angle of alkanes?

A) 90°

B) 109.5°

C) 120°

D) 180°


Why are alkanes called saturated hydrocarbons?

A) They contain double bonds

B) They contain triple bonds

C) They contain only single bonds

D) They contain aromatic rings


What is the process of sp³ hybridization?

A) Formation of four equivalent orbitals from hybridization

B) Formation of three equivalent orbitals from hybridization

C) Formation of two equivalent orbitals from hybridization

D) Formation of one equivalent orbital from hybridization


Which orbitals are involved in sp³ hybridization?

A) s, p, p, p

B) s, p, p

C) s, p

D) s, s, s, s


What is the geometry around a carbon atom after sp³ hybridization?

A) Linear

B) Trigonal planar

C) Tetrahedral

D) Octahedral


How many sigma (σ) bonds can a carbon atom form after sp³ hybridization?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4


What percentage of s-character does each sp³ hybrid orbital have?

A) 25%

B) 50%

C) 75%

D) 100%


Which of the following compounds undergoes sp³ hybridization?

A) Ethene (C₂H₄)

B) Ethyne (C₂H₂)

C) Methane (CH₄)

D) Benzene (C₆H₆)


What is the bond angle in a methane (CH₄) molecule?

A) 90°

B) 109.5°

C) 120°

D) 180°


Which of the following statements about sp³ hybridization is true?

A) It involves mixing one s orbital with two p orbitals.

B) It results in three equivalent hybrid orbitals.

C) It forms double bonds.

D) It occurs in aromatic compounds.


What is the hybridization of carbon atoms in alkanes?

A) sp

B) sp²

C) sp³

D) sp³d²


Which of the following compounds has a tetrahedral shape due to sp³ hybridization?

A) Ethene (C₂H₄)

B) Ethyne (C₂H₂)

C) Methane (CH₄)

D) Benzene (C₆H₆)


What is the bond angle in an ethane (C₂H₆) molecule?

A) 90°

B) 109.5°

C) 120°

D) 180°


Which type of hybridization occurs in alkenes?

A) sp

B) sp²

C) sp³

D) sp³d²


What is the shape of an ethene (C₂H₄) molecule due to sp² hybridization?

A) Linear

B) Trigonal planar

C) Tetrahedral

D) Planar


What is the percentage of s-character in sp² hybrid orbitals?

A) 25%

B) 50%

C) 75%

D) 100%


Which of the following compounds has a trigonal planar shape due to sp² hybridization?

A) Ethene (C₂H₄)

B) Ethyne (C₂H₂)

C) Methane (CH₄)

D) Benzene (C₆H₆)


Which type of reaction occurs when a halogen replaces a hydrogen atom in an alkane?

A) Substitution

B) Addition

C) Elimination

D) Rearrangement


In the halogenation of methane (CH₄), which halogen is commonly used?

A) Fluorine (F₂)

B) Chlorine (Cl₂)

C) Bromine (Br₂)

D) Iodine (I₂)


What is the first step in the free-radical halogenation mechanism?

A) Termination

B) Propagation

C) Initiation

D) Substitution


During halogenation, which stage involves the pairing up of free radicals?

A) Initiation

B) Propagation

C) Termination

D) Substitution


What is the primary application of paraffin wax?

A) Lubrication

B) Candle making

C) Electrical insulation

D) Fuel for rockets


Liquid paraffin (mineral oil) is commonly used in which field?

A) Cosmetics

B) Agriculture

C) Construction

D) Automotive industry


In alkenes, the carbon atoms are connected to each other by:

a) Single bond

b) Double bond

c) Triple bond

d) Not connected


Which among these is not a structural isomer of the compound C₄H₈?

a) But-1-ene

b) But-2-ene

c) But-3-ene

d) 2-methylpropene


Select the incorrect statement regarding alkenes:

a) In alkenes, the carbons are connected by pi bonds

b) Alkenes have almost the same physical properties as that of alkanes

c) Alkenes are less reactive than alkanes

d) Alkenes undergo polymerization reactions


Identify the addition reaction which is not undergone by alkenes:

a) Mercuration

b) Oxymercuration

c) Hydroboration

d) Halogenation


Which among the following alkenes is used in the manufacturing of plastics?

a) Butadiene

b) 1,2-butadiene

c) 1,3-butadiene

d) 2-butadiene


Which factor contributes to the stability of alkenes?

a) Increasing the number of substituents

b) Decreasing the degree of unsaturation

c) Introducing triple bonds

d) Reducing the hybridization of carbon atoms


What is the primary reason for the stability of more substituted alkenes?

a) Hyperconjugation

b) Resonance

c) Steric hindrance

d) Aromaticity


Which type of alkene is generally more stable: cis or trans?

a) Cis

b) Trans

c) Both have equal stability

d) It depends on the specific substituents


What effect does a trans double bond have on the stability of an alkene?

a) Increases stability due to efficient orbital overlap

b) Decreases stability due to steric hindrance

c) Has no impact on stability

d) Increases reactivity


Which of the following statements about alkene stability is correct?

a) Alkenes are more stable than alkanes

b) Alkenes are less stable than alkynes

c) Alkenes with internal double bonds are more stable

d) Alkenes with terminal double bonds are less stable

What type of hybridization occurs in the carbon atoms of alkenes?

a) sp

b) sp²

c) sp³

d) sp³d


How many p orbitals are involved in sp² hybridization?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) None


What is the geometry around a carbon atom with sp² hybridization?

a) Linear

b) Trigonal planar

c) Tetrahedral

d) Octahedral


Which of the following alkenes has sp² hybridization in its carbon-carbon double bond?

a) Ethene (C₂H₄)

b) Propene (C₃H₆)

c) Butene (C₄H₈)

d) Pentene (C₅H₁₀)


What is the total number of sigma (σ) bonds formed by a carbon atom with sp² hybridization?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four


Which type of bond results from the overlap of two adjacent p orbitals in sp² hybridization?

a) Sigma (σ) bond

b) Pi (π) bond

c) Delta (δ) bond

d) Phi (φ) bond


Which of the following alkenes exhibits sp² hybridization in its carbon-carbon double bond?

a) 1-butene

b) 2-butene

c) 1-pentene

d) 2-pentene


What is the key difference between sp² and sp³ hybridization?

a) The number of p orbitals involved

b) The geometry around the central atom

c) The presence of pi (π) bonds

d) The energy levels of the hybrid orbitals


How many p orbitals are mixed in sp² hybridization?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) None


Which type of bond results from the overlap of two adjacent p orbitals in sp² hybridization?

a) Sigma (σ) bond

b) Pi (π) bond

c) Delta (δ) bond

d) Phi (φ) bond


In which type of hybridization do carbon atoms form a trigonal planar geometry?

a) sp

b) sp²

c) sp³

d) Both sp² and sp³


Which of the following molecules exhibits sp³ hybridization in its carbon-carbon single bond?

a) Ethene (C₂H₄)

b) Ethane (C₂H₆)

c) Ethyne (C₂H₂)

d) Benzene (C₆H₆)


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