Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam

Practice MCQ For Govt Pharmacist Exam, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Carbonyl compounds- Reactions under the subject Pharmaceutical organic chemistry of second semester. Read following article for your reference.

Carbonyl Compound- Reactions » PHARMACAREERS


Which functional group is present in both aldehydes and ketones?

A) Carboxylic acid

B) Alcohol

C) Carbonyl

D) Ester


What is the IUPAC name for the following compound? – Butanone

A) Butanal

B) Butanone

C) Propanal

D) Propanone


Which reagent is commonly used for the reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols?


B) NaBH4

C) H2SO4

D) HCl


What is the product when acetaldehyde (ethanal) reacts with HCN?

A) Ethanoic acid

B) Propanal

C) Propanoic acid

D) Cyanohydrin


Which of the following compounds can form optical isomers (enantiomers)?

A) Acetone

B) Formaldehyde

C) Propanal

D) Butanone


What is the product when lactic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide?

A) Sodium lactate

B) Lactic acid sodium salt

C) Sodium acetate

D) Sodium formate


Which compound is used as a substitute for wool in acrylic fibers?

A) Acrylonitrile

B) Acetone

C) Formaldehyde

D) Propionaldehyde


Which reagent will react with both aldehyde and ketone?

A) Grignard reagent

B) Sodium nitroprusside

C) Fehling’s reagent

D) Tollen’s reagent


Acetone can be converted into pinacol by which reagent?

A) Na/Hg

B) Zn/Hg

C) Mg/Hg

D) All of these


Which compounds will not give the iodoform test on treatment with I2/NaOH?

A) 2-Butanone

B) 3-Pentanone

C) Acetone

D) Acetaldehyde


Carbonyl compounds react with hydroxylamine to form what?

A) Hydrazones

B) Cyanohydrins

C) Oximes

D) None of these


Which test is not given by aldehydes?

A) Sodium nitroprusside test

B) Fehling solution test

C) 2,4-DNP test

D) NaHSO3 test


What is the Electromeric effect?

A) The permanent polarization of a molecule due to the presence of a multiple bond.

B) The instantaneous formation of a dipole in an organic compound under the influence of an attacking reagent.

C) The transfer of electrons from an electrophile to a nucleophile.

D) The stabilization of a carbocation by resonance.


Which type of effect occurs when the electron pair of the pi bond is moved towards the attacking reagent?

A) +E effect

B) -E effect

C) Inductive effect

D) Mesomeric effect


When a nucleophile approaches a carbonyl compound, what happens to the electrons between the carbon and oxygen atoms?

A) They remain unchanged.

B) They are completely transferred to the nucleophile.

C) They are shared equally between carbon and oxygen.

D) They move away from the nucleophile.


Which of the following is a temporary effect brought into play at the requirement of an attacking reagent?

A) Inductive effect

B) Mesomeric effect

C) Electromeric effect

D) Resonance effect


In which type of carbonyl compounds does the -E effect occur during the addition of nucleophiles?

A) Aldehydes

B) Ketones

C) Esters

D) Amides


What is the primary outcome of aldol condensation?

A) Formation of aldehydes

B) Formation of ketones

C) Formation of β-hydroxy aldehydes or ketones (aldols)

D) Formation of enolates


Which functional group serves as the electrophile in an aldol reaction?

A) Alkene

B) Alkyne

C) Aldehyde or ketone

D) Alcohol


What is the role of hydroxide in aldol condensation?

A) It acts as a base, removing a proton from the alpha carbon.

B) It acts as a nucleophile, attacking the carbonyl carbon.

C) It stabilizes the enolate intermediate.

D) It forms a C-C pi bond.


Which type of aldol reaction involves two different carbonyl compounds?

A) Intramolecular aldol condensation

B) Self-aldol condensation

C) Crossed aldol condensation

D) Retro-aldol reaction


Why is benzaldehyde an excellent reagent for crossed aldols?

A) It lacks alpha-hydrogens.

B) It is a strong reducing agent.

C) It contains a leaving group.

D) It is highly acidic and readily donates a proton.


Under what conditions can crossed aldol reactions result in only one product?

A) When both carbonyl compounds lack alpha hydrogen atoms.

B) When one of the carbonyl compounds lacks alpha hydrogen atoms.

C) When both carbonyl compounds have especially acidic alpha hydrogen atoms.

D) When one of the carbonyl compounds has especially acidic alpha hydrogen atoms.


What is the intermediate formed during the dehydration of a beta-hydroxy carbonyl compound with a base?

A) Enolate

B) Hydroxide

C) Carbanion

D) Alkene


Which mechanism involves two anionic steps and proceeds during the aldol reaction?

A) SN1

B) SN2

C) E1cB

D) E2


What is the product of a crossed aldol reaction between acetone and two benzaldehyde molecules?

A) Dibenzalacetone

B) Benzaldehyde group (=CHPh)

C) Benzaldehyde dimer

D) Benzoin


How many different products can be formed in a crossed aldol reaction between two dissimilar carbonyl compounds?

A) One

B) Two

C) Three

D) Four


What is the primary outcome of the Benzoin condensation?

A) Formation of aldehydes

B) Formation of ketones

C) Formation of β-hydroxy aldehydes or ketones (aldols)

D) Formation of enolates


Which functional group serves as the electrophile in a Benzoin reaction?

A) Alkene

B) Alkyne

C) Aldehyde or ketone

D) Alcohol


What is the role of cyanide ion in the Benzoin condensation?

A) It acts as a base, removing a proton from the α-carbon.

B) It acts as a nucleophile, attacking the carbonyl carbon.

C) It stabilizes the enolate intermediate.

D) It forms a C-C pi bond.


Which intermediate is formed during the reaction catalyzed by the cyanide ion?

A) Stable cyanohydrin

B) Enolate

C) Carbanion

D) Benzoin


Why does 4-nitrobenzaldehyde fail to undergo the Benzoin reaction?

A) The nitro group reduces the nucleophilicity of the anion.

B) It lacks α-hydrogen atoms.

C) It is too bulky to react.

D) It is not a suitable electrophile.



What type of compounds are involved in the Perkin condensation?

A) Two aldehydes

B) An aldehyde and an active methylene compound

C) An aromatic carbonyl compound and an acid anhydride

D) Two ketones


What is the product obtained in the Perkin condensation?

A) β-Hydroxy aldehyde

B) β-Hydroxy ketone

C) α-Hydroxy acid

D) γ-Hydroxy ester


What is the role of the alpha-carbon in the Perkin reaction?

A) It acts as a base, removing a proton.

B) It serves as the nucleophile, attacking the carbonyl carbon.

C) It stabilizes the enolate intermediate.

D) It forms a C-C pi bond.


What does “beta” refer to in the term “beta-hydroxy ketone”?

A) The first carbon next to the carbonyl group

B) The second carbon next to the carbonyl group

C) The third carbon next to the carbonyl group

D) The fourth carbon next to the carbonyl group


Under what conditions does the Perkin condensation occur?

A) Acidic conditions

B) Basic conditions

C) Neutral conditions

D) High temperature


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