Solubility of Gases in Liquids, binary solutions, Roult’s law

Solubility of Gases in Liquids

When a gas dissolves in a liquid, it forms a solution. The solubility of a gas in a particular liquid refers to the volume of that gas (converted to standard temperature and pressure conditions) that can dissolve in one cubic centimeter (1 cc) of the liquid. This process occurs at the temperature of the experiment and under a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

Here are some key points about gas solubility:

  • Henry’s Law: The solubility of gases depends on pressure. Specifically, an increase in pressure leads to increased solubility, while a decrease in pressure reduces solubility. Henry’s Law formalizes this relationship, stating that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of that gas above the solution’s surface.
  • Temperature Impact: Temperature also plays a role. Generally, gas solubility decreases as temperature increases. For instance, when water temperature rises abnormally (due to industrial processes or thermal pollution), the solubility of oxygen in the water decreases. This can have serious consequences for aquatic ecosystems and may even result in fish kills.
  • Chemical Structure Matters: The chemical structures of the solute (gas) and solvent (liquid) influence solubility. For example:
    • Oxygen (O₂) is more soluble in water than helium (He).
    • The solubility of oxygen in the liquid hydrocarbon hexane (C₆H₁₄) is about 20 times greater than in water.

Factors affecting Solubility of Gases in Liquids

 Solute-Solvent Interactions

  • The relationship between the solute (the gas) and the solvent (the liquid) significantly impacts solubility. Think of it as a cosmic dance: strong solute-solvent attractions lead to greater solubility, while weak attractions result in lesser solubility.
  • Here’s the golden rule: “Like dissolves like.” Polar solutes (those with partial charges) tend to dissolve best in polar solvents, while non-polar solutes prefer non-polar solvents. When a polar solute meets a non-polar solvent (or vice versa), they often give each other the cold shoulder—insoluble or barely soluble, like distant acquaintances at a party.

Common-Ion Effect

  • Imagine a slightly soluble ionic compound like calcium sulfate (CaSO₄) hanging out in water. Most of the calcium and sulfate ions chill in the solid form of calcium sulfate.
  • Now, let’s invite copper sulfate (CuSO₄) to the party. Copper sulfate is soluble, so it brings more sulfate (SO₄²⁻) ions to the mix.
  • Those sulfate ions were already there, courtesy of the slight dissociation of calcium sulfate. Now we have a dilemma—a sulfate surplus. Le Chatelier’s principle steps in: equilibrium shifts toward the reactants side to ease this new stress. It’s like musical chairs, but with ions.


  • Heat things up, and solubility gets chatty. Increasing the temperature of a liquid generally boosts gas solubility. Picture it: warm water inviting oxygen molecules for a cozy swim. Oxygen obliges and dissolves more readily.
  • Some gases break up with water when it gets too hot. Oxygen stays loyal, but others (like carbon dioxide) might ghost you at higher temperatures.

Pressure and Henry’s Law

  • Henry’s Law is our trusty guide here. It says that, at a constant temperature, the solubility of a gas is directly proportional to its partial pressure.
  • Imagine a soda bottle—carbon dioxide (CO₂) gas dissolves in the liquid. Squeeze the bottle (increase pressure), and more CO₂ dissolves. Release the pressure, and those fizzy bubbles escape.

Solubility of liquids in liquids

Solubility refers to the ability of one substance (solute) to dissolve in another (solvent) to form a homogeneous solution. When discussing liquids in liquids, we are typically referring to the miscibility of two liquids. This is crucial in pharmaceutics for the formulation of liquid dosage forms, emulsions, and other pharmaceutical preparations.

Types of Liquid-Liquid Systems

  • Completely Miscible Liquids: These are liquids that mix in all proportions without any phase separation. Examples include ethanol and water.
  • Partially Miscible Liquids: These liquids mix in certain proportions but separate into two layers beyond a specific concentration. An example is phenol and water.
  • Immiscible Liquids: These do not mix and form separate layers when combined, such as oil and water.

Factors Affecting Solubility

Several factors influence the solubility of liquids in liquids:

  • Temperature: Generally, solubility increases with temperature. However, for some systems, there might be a critical solution temperature (CST) above or below which the liquids are completely miscible.
  • Pressure: While pressure has a significant effect on the solubility of gases in liquids, its effect on liquid-liquid solubility is usually minimal.
  • Nature of Solvent and Solute: The chemical nature, polarity, and molecular interactions between the solute and solvent play a crucial role. Polar solvents tend to dissolve polar solutes, and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar solutes (like dissolves like).

Thermodynamics of Solubility

The solubility of liquids in liquids can be explained thermodynamically by considering the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) for the mixing process:



ΔH is Enthalpy change

ΔS is Entropy change

T is Temperature

For a spontaneous mixing process, ΔG should be negative. The enthalpy change (ΔH) depends on the interactions between molecules, while the entropy change (ΔS) is related to the disorder or randomness of the system.

Raoult’s Law and Ideal Solutions

For ideal solutions, Raoult’s Law applies, which states that the partial vapor pressure of each component in a solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction. This law is useful for predicting the behavior of completely miscible liquids.

Non-Ideal Solutions

In real-world scenarios, most solutions are non-ideal, and deviations from Raoult’s Law occur due to intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonding, Van der Waals forces, and dipole-dipole interactions.

Applications in Pharmaceutics

  • Formulation of Solutions: Understanding solubility helps in designing solutions where active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are dissolved in suitable solvents.
  • Emulsions: Knowledge of partially miscible liquids is essential for creating stable emulsions, where one liquid is dispersed in another.
  • Drug Delivery Systems: Solubility data is crucial for developing various drug delivery systems, ensuring that the drug remains in solution form for effective absorption.

By understanding these principles, pharmaceutical scientists can manipulate and optimize the solubility of liquids in liquids to develop effective and stable pharmaceutical formulations.

Binary Solutions

A binary solution consists of two components: a solute and a solvent. In pharmaceutics, binary solutions are essential for understanding how drugs dissolve in solvents, which impacts their bioavailability and therapeutic effectiveness.

Types of Binary Solutions

  • Solid-Liquid Solutions: A solid solute dissolves in a liquid solvent (e.g., salt in water).
  • Liquid-Liquid Solutions: Both solute and solvent are liquids (e.g., ethanol in water).
  • Gas-Liquid Solutions: A gas dissolves in a liquid (e.g., carbon dioxide in water).

Factors Affecting Solubility in Binary Solutions

  • Temperature: Generally, solubility increases with temperature for solids and liquids but decreases for gases.
  • Pressure: Mainly affects gas solubility in liquids, described by Henry’s Law.
  • Nature of Solvent and Solute: Polarity, molecular size, and intermolecular forces play significant roles.

Ideal Solutions

An ideal solution is one where the enthalpy of mixing is zero, meaning no heat is absorbed or evolved when the components are mixed. The volume of the solution is also an additive property of the individual components.

Characteristics of Ideal Solutions

No Heat Change: Mixing does not involve heat absorption or evolution.

Volume Additivity: The total volume is the sum of the volumes of the pure components.

Raoult’s Law: The partial vapor pressure of each component in the solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction.

Raoult’s Law

For an ideal solution, Raoult’s Law states:



Partially Miscible Liquids

Partially miscible liquids are pairs of liquids that do not mix in all proportions. Instead, they form two distinct layers when mixed beyond a certain concentration. Each layer contains some amount of the other liquid, but they are not completely soluble in each other.

Common examples of partially miscible liquids include:

  • Phenol and Water: At certain temperatures, phenol and water form two layers, each containing some of the other component.
  • Triethylamine and Water: These liquids also exhibit partial miscibility, forming two layers under specific conditions.

Phase Diagrams

The behavior of partially miscible liquids can be represented using phase diagrams, which plot temperature against composition. These diagrams help in understanding the solubility limits and the conditions under which the liquids become completely miscible.

  • Upper Consolute Temperature (UCT): The maximum temperature at which two phases exist. Above this temperature, the liquids are completely miscible.
  • Lower Consolute Temperature (LCT): The minimum temperature at which two phases exist. Below this temperature, the liquids are completely miscible.
  • Critical Solution Temperature (CST): The temperature at which the two liquids become completely miscible in all proportions.
Phase diagram of Phenol-water system
Phase diagram of Phenol-water system    source: wikimedia

For example, in the phenol-water system, the UCT is around 66.8°C1. Below this temperature, the system separates into two phases: a water-rich phase and a phenol-rich phase.

Factors Affecting Miscibility

  • Temperature: Increasing temperature can increase the solubility of partially miscible liquids, leading to complete miscibility above the UCT.
  • Nature of Liquids: The polarity and molecular interactions between the liquids affect their miscibility. Polar liquids tend to be more miscible with other polar liquids.
  • Presence of Third Component: Adding a third component can influence the miscibility of the two liquids, either enhancing or reducing their solubility.

Applications in Pharmaceutics

  • Emulsions: Understanding partially miscible liquids is essential for creating stable emulsions, where one liquid is dispersed in another. Emulsifying agents are used to stabilize these systems.
  • Drug Solubility: Knowledge of partial miscibility helps in selecting appropriate solvents for drug formulations, ensuring that the drug remains in solution form for effective absorption.
  • Phase Separation: In some pharmaceutical processes, phase separation is desirable for purification or extraction purposes.

By understanding the principles of partially miscible liquids, pharmaceutical scientists can optimize formulations and processes to achieve desired therapeutic outcomes.


The solubility of gases in liquids is influenced by temperature, pressure, and the nature of the gas and solvent. Generally, gases are more soluble at lower temperatures and higher pressures, as described by Henry’s Law. In binary solutions, the solubility depends on the interactions between the solute and solvent molecules. Raoult’s Law states that the partial vapor pressure of each component in an ideal solution is proportional to its mole fraction. This law helps predict the vapor pressures and boiling points of solutions, assuming ideal behavior where intermolecular forces between different molecules are similar to those in pure substances.

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