Surface and interfacial phenomenon

Surface and interfacial phenomenon

In the realm of physical pharmaceutics, understanding surface and interfacial phenomena is pivotal for the development and optimization of pharmaceutical formulations. These phenomena, which encompass the behaviors and interactions at the surfaces and interfaces of materials, play a crucial role in determining the stability, efficacy, and bioavailability of drugs. Surface tension and interfacial tension are key concepts that influence the formation of emulsions, suspensions, and other dosage forms. By manipulating these forces through the use of surfactants and other agents, pharmaceutical scientists can enhance drug solubility, improve drug delivery systems, and ensure consistent therapeutic outcomes. This blog delves into the fundamental principles of surface and interfacial phenomena and their significant applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Importance in Pharmaceutics

  • Emulsions and Suspensions: By controlling surface and interfacial tensions, pharmaceutical scientists can create stable emulsions and suspensions, ensuring uniform distribution of active ingredients.
  • Drug Solubilization: Reducing interfacial tension with surfactants can enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drugs, improving their bioavailability.
  • Adsorption: The behavior of molecules at interfaces can influence the release rate and bioavailability of drugs from various dosage forms.

Liquid Interface

A liquid interface is the boundary between two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water. At this interface, the properties of the molecules differ from those in the bulk phases due to the imbalance of intermolecular forces. This region is crucial in various pharmaceutical applications, including emulsions and suspensions.

Surface Tension

Surface tension is the force per unit length that acts along the surface of a liquid, causing it to contract and minimize its surface area. This phenomenon occurs because molecules at the surface experience a net inward force due to the lack of neighboring molecules above them. Surface tension is responsible for the formation of droplets and bubbles and plays a significant role in processes like capillary action and wetting.

Interfacial Tension

Interfacial tension is similar to surface tension but occurs at the interface between two immiscible liquids. It is the force per unit length that acts along the interface, striving to minimize the interfacial area. Interfacial tension is crucial in the formation and stabilization of emulsions, where surfactants are often used to reduce this tension and stabilize the mixture.

Surface Free Energy

Surface free energy is a fundamental concept in physical pharmaceutics and materials science. It refers to the excess energy at the surface of a material compared to its bulk. This energy arises because molecules at the surface are not surrounded by similar molecules on all sides, leading to an imbalance of intermolecular forces.

Definition: Surface free energy is the work required to increase the surface area of a material by a unit area. It is typically measured in units of energy per unit area (e.g., J/m²).

Importance in Pharmaceuticals

  • Wetting and Adhesion: Surface free energy influences how well a liquid spreads on a solid surface, which is crucial for processes like tablet coating and drug delivery.
  • Powder Flowability: The surface free energy of pharmaceutical powders affects their flow properties, which is important for manufacturing processes like tablet compression and capsule filling.
  • Stability of Formulations: Variations in surface free energy can impact the stability and performance of pharmaceutical formulations, such as emulsions and suspensions.

Measurement Techniques

  • Contact Angle Measurement: Determines the angle formed by a liquid droplet on a solid surface, which can be used to calculate surface free energy.
  • Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC): A technique that measures the interaction of gas molecules with a solid surface to determine its surface free energy.

Measurement of surface and interfacial phenomenon

Measuring surface and interfacial tensions is essential in understanding the behavior of liquids in various pharmaceutical applications. Here are some common methods used:

Wilhelmy Plate Method

This force-based method involves a thin, vertical plate (usually made of platinum) that is partially immersed in the liquid. The force exerted by the liquid on the plate is measured as the plate is slowly withdrawn or immersed. The surface or interfacial tension is calculated using the force, the perimeter of the plate, and the contact angle.

Du Noüy Ring Method

Another force-based technique, the Du Noüy ring method uses a thin, circular ring (often made of platinum-iridium) that is submerged in the liquid. The ring is slowly pulled upward, and the force required to detach the ring from the liquid surface is measured. This force is used to calculate the surface or interfacial tension.

Pendant Drop Method

This optical method involves analyzing the shape of a droplet suspended from the end of a tube. The profile of the droplet is captured using a camera, and the surface or interfacial tension is determined by fitting the droplet shape to the Young-Laplace equation, which describes the balance of forces at the interface.

Spinning Drop Method

In this optical method, a drop of one liquid is placed inside a rotating tube filled with another immiscible liquid. The rotation causes the drop to elongate, and the interfacial tension is calculated based on the equilibrium shape of the drop and the rotational speed.

Contact Angle Measurement

This method involves placing a droplet of liquid on a solid surface and measuring the angle formed between the liquid and the solid at the contact point. The contact angle provides information about the wettability of the surface and can be used to calculate surface free energy.

Applications in Pharmaceutics

  • Formulation Development: Accurate measurement of surface and interfacial tensions helps in designing stable emulsions, suspensions, and other dosage forms.
  • Quality Control: Ensuring consistent surface and interfacial properties is crucial for the reproducibility and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.
  • Drug Delivery: Understanding these tensions aids in optimizing drug solubilization and bioavailability.


Surface and interfacial phenomena are critical in physical pharmaceutics, influencing the formulation and stability of pharmaceutical products. Surface tension, the force acting along the surface of a liquid, and interfacial tension, the force at the boundary between two immiscible liquids, play pivotal roles in the formation of emulsions, suspensions, and other dosage forms. These tensions can be measured using methods like the Wilhelmy plate, Du Noüy ring, pendant drop, and spinning drop techniques. Understanding and manipulating these forces through surfactants and other agents enhance drug solubility, stability, and bioavailability, ultimately leading to more effective and reliable pharmaceutical formulations.

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