Pharmacy Practice MCQ

Pharmacy Practice MCQ, in this article we will solve, Practice MCQ on the topic, Pathophysiology of diseases of Gastrointestinal System. Read following article for your reference. Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal System Diseases Which bacterium is primarily associated with peptic ulcers? a) Escherichia coli b) Helicobacter pylori c) Staphylococcus aureus d) Salmonella typhi   What is a common cause of peptic ulcers … Read more

Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal System Diseases

Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal System Diseases The gastrointestinal system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health by facilitating digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste. However, various diseases can disrupt its normal function, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. This article delves into the pathophysiology of several key gastrointestinal diseases, including peptic ulcer, inflammatory … Read more